Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1844: Ksitigarbha now!

With the death of King Yama, the space of evil spirits shattered, and Xiao Chen and others reappeared in Yama City.

All the ghost repairs in the entire Yan Luo City still did not respond by this time. Even King Yu was a little surprised in his eyes, and murmured: "King Yan Luo died like this?"

"King Yu, King Yama is indeed dead, you are free." Xiao Chen said seriously.

"King Yama is dead, hahaha King Yama is dead, he is finally dead!" Upon hearing Xiao Chen's affirmation, King Yu finally confirmed that King Yama is dead and couldn't help crying with joy.

"I will find a way to repay the yang, and I will find you."

Shangguan Yinger and Mu Qingxuan also appeared beside Xiao Chen. Xiao Chen held the hands of the two and nodded. The next step was to find the purification pond, rescue Kerr's soul, and restore Mu Qingxuan's sanity.

"Actually, there is no need for you to pay the sun." At this moment, the faint voice of the ban suddenly sounded, and then Xiao Chen discovered that he, Yu Wang, Shangguan Ying'er, Mu Qingxuan, and Bai Caiyi appeared on their bodies. With a layer of iron chain, the power of the Nether in the body felt like being suppressed.

Xiao Chen struggled hard, but couldn't break free of the iron chain at all.

"It's useless, it's not Thousand-Hand Forbidden Killing, but Thousand-Handed Bodhisattva, which can suppress the power of the nether in your body and suppress all forbidden things." Forbidden Killing said lightly.

"Forbidden killing, what do you mean?" Xiao Chen asked with a frown looking at the forbidden killing.

"My king, have you ever heard a word, **** is not free to swear to become a Buddha?" Ban Sha looked at Xiao Chen, and asked calmly.

"There is no space in the **** to swear that you will not become a Buddha, so you are the King of the Ksitigarbha?" Xiao Chen looked at the ban, his eyes flashed with shock.

"My king is my king. I guessed my identity so quickly." Ban Slaughter said with a smile, and then his appearance gradually changed, becoming a middle-aged man, and the light of Buddha appeared in him, that was Buddha. Breath.

All Guixiu looked at the ban in shock. It turned out that the Ksitigarbha king had been in hell, and he had also turned into the prisoner of hell.

"You have been calculating me, the purpose is to let me help you deal with Yama King?" Xiao Chen looked at the Ksitigarbha, with a chill in his eyes, perhaps since he displayed the Nether Fire, Ksitigarbha has already started to calculate him.

"You are right. I have already calculated it since I met you and Po Meng Po. I know that King Yu always wants to get rid of the control of King Yama. When she knows that King Ksitigarbha appears, she will definitely cooperate with King Ksitigarbha. Yes, everything is proceeding according to my plan, but it is you who surprised me, Xiao Chen!"

Ksitigarbha King looked at Xiao Chen and said, "I didn't expect that you could actually kill King Yama."

"What is your purpose for doing this?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Reorganize the order of **** and fulfill my life's ambition!" said the Ksitigarbha King, his Buddha's light is even better and he looks very solemn!

Hearing that, Xiao Chen had a bad premonition, and at this moment, a gap suddenly appeared in the sky above Yan Luo City, a burst of Buddha light poured down from above, and then eighteen figures full of Buddha light slowly fell down.

"We will meet the Ksitigarbha!" Eighteen figures simultaneously saluted the Ksitigarbha.

"The eighteen arhats have worked so hard, so I have to ask the eighteen arhats to take action to clear the **** and transform all the evil spirits." The Ksitigarbha king replied with his hands together.

Xiao Chen looked at the kind, solemn, and solemn Ksitigarbha King, and felt a chill in his heart.

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