Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1837: Fight against Yama!

"What is this?" King Yu was also surprised when he saw this scene, and then Shangguan Yinger told her Bai Caiyi's identity.

"It turned out to be Po Meng, no wonder." King Yu was a little shocked. Then, with the help of Bai Caiyi, all the remaining three Yamas were taken away by the Ecstasy Bowl.

"The Ecstasy Soup has been used up, and it's up to you next." Bai Caiyi accepted the Ecstasy Bowl and said to the second woman.

"The remaining three Yamas are not enough to be afraid." Yu Wang said, the voice fell, and the three of them watched at the same time. At this time, the three Yamas did not take the ban, and the iron chain on the ban actually blocked the three. An attack from Yama.

"The three, please help me!" At this moment, the voice of the ban on killing sounded, and then he again performed a thousand-hand ban, and the infinite virtual hand instantly tied the three Yamas, and the three Yamas suddenly, unexpectedly Can't open it!

King Yu and Shangguan Ying'er were startled at first, but immediately reacted, the scepter appeared in Shangguan Ying'er's hand, and a sword condensed from particles was directly cut at King Chujiang.

And the water dragons in the hands of the rain king swallowed each other, and finally turned into a mini water dragon, attacking the five sense king.

"Particle Sword!"

"Yulong roars!"

Shangguan Ying'er and Yu Wang shouted loudly at the same time, and the two attacks instantly fell on the two Yamas. The two Yamas did not react, and their souls disappeared on the spot.

When Emperor Song saw this scene, horror flashed in his eyes, and at this moment, a hook directly passed through his head, and his figure instantly dissipated between the sky and the earth.

With the emperor Song's soul flying away, all the nine Yamas died. This scene made the prison master and all the ghost repairs who watched this battle show an incredible look.

In their consciousness, Yama was invincible in hell, and no ghost cultivation could resist. Now the invincible Yama suddenly disappeared like this, which made them horrified.

With the death of all Yan Luo, the space of evil spirits shattered, Shangguan Yinger and them all appeared. On the five battlefields, only the evil ten were defeated. The King of Rain and the others were all victorious, but the biggest credit was to Bai Caiyi.

"Yes, that's right, Ten Temple Yama actually folded nine in your hands. It really has some skill." Yama King clapped his hands and laughed, as if the deaths of other Yamas had no effect on him at all.

"King Yama, the casualties that died under your hands, you will be the next one." King Yu looked at King Yama with complete indifference.

"King Yu, I did not misunderstand you. You are definitely my most successful evil spirit. Next, I will transform all of you into evil spirits and the reincarnation of Po Meng." King Yama laughed.

"You have no chance!" Yu Wang said coldly.

"Hahaha, Rain King, I know you really want to kill this king, if so, let's start the fight!" Yama King laughed, his black hair danced, and the next moment, shady came again, and then everyone disappeared. .

When they appeared again, they had already appeared in a space of evil spirits, but this time the protagonists became Yama King and Xiao Chen and the others, and the audience became the surviving prisoner and all the ghost repairs.

"Are you going together, or come one by one!" Xiao Chen and the others appeared on an endless plain. King Yama stood high in the sky, looking at Xiao Chen and the others, how gods looked at ants.

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