Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1834: The power of Shangguan Yinger!

However, King Qin Guang didn't have any joy, but his face changed drastically, because he found that Shangguan Ying'er's dissipated corpse had turned into tiny square particles, densely floating around him.

"Earth Spirit suit nirvana: the particles are extremely explosive!"

An indifferent voice sounded, and the next moment, it sounded like a planet exploding throughout the hell. As the fluctuation spread, a huge explosion sounded out of thin air above Yan Luo City, fluctuating the entire Yan Luo City.


The terrifying explosion shocked countless ghost repairs, all of them looked up at the explosion above Yan Luo City, and the prisoners who followed were even more shocked.

"Hahaha, it deserves to be the soul chosen by this king, who directly blasted the evil ghost space to pieces. It seems that King Qin Guang has lost this game!" King Yama laughed loudly. King Qin Guang died, he Not at all concerned.

With the sound of King Yama's laughter falling, the explosion slowly returned to calm, and a pale figure wearing an earthen suit slowly fell.

Xiao Chen looked at Shangguan Ying'er, and his tight heartstrings relaxed. Shangguan Ying'er was fine, but the earthen suit was damaged in many places, and there was not much power left in the body.

Xiao Chen appeared next to Shangguan Ying'er, holding her hand, and the power of the ghost in her body continued to flow into her body.

"Miangong, don't waste too much effort for me!"

Xiao Chen didn't speak, but smiled at Shangguan Ying'er. Soon, the nether power in Shangguan Ying'er returned to the original state.

Xiao Chen brought Shangguan Ying'er back to the desk. King Yan Luo glanced at Xiao Chen and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"The power of the netherworld within the evil one has recovered in such a short time. What has this guy done? It seems that things are getting more and more interesting."

At this time, in the second evil ghost space, the battle between the ban and Emperor Song had also begun, and there was no place to fight back against the ban by Emperor Song. It can be said that they have been defeated.

"Traitor, didn't you just be arrogant? Didn't you just have that strength?" Emperor Song had a set of dark iron claws. Every time he grabbed it, the nearby void would be broken, and the ban would wrap the hook around him. , To stop the Song Emperor’s attack.

The ban did not speak, just fully defended.

"This is the fate of the traitor. Watch me break your broken hook into pieces!" Emperor Song kept ridiculing, but the attack in his hand was getting faster and faster.

"Forbidden method: Thousand-handed ban!" Ban-killer said in a deep heart. As soon as the virtual hand came into contact with Emperor Song, he was blasted away by Emperor Song. Time and time again, Ban-kill continued to use a thousand-hand ban!

"It seems that he wants to kill Emperor Song." Xiao Chen looked at the ban. The ban was only a defense. The offensive method was only a thousand-hand ban. The power of the nether was very small, and it could absorb a little power of the nether.

On the other hand, Emperor Song consumes a lot of Nether power every time he attacks. If he can't break the forbidden killing defense, he will lose in the end.

King Yama also noticed this and frowned slightly.

Unlike the protracted battle between the ban and Emperor Song, in the third battlefield, the battle between the captain of the evil ten and the king of Chujiang and the king of five senses has ended.

The Evil Ten was defeated. King Chujiang and the King of Five Senses looked at the fragmented limbs around with disdain. Some captains were frightened and shattered, and only Evil Ten was in better condition, but just broke a leg .

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