Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1831: Play in groups!

"Who would say big talk, Xiaoye would like to see how your King Yama kept me, Xiao Chen." Xiao Chen fought against his shoulders and looked at King Yama fearlessly.

"It's just a mere guy who doesn't know the height of the sky, how can I use the boss to deal with you, I will meet you!" A Yama came out from behind the King of Yama, and said coldly.

"Who are you?" Xiao Chen asked.

"King Qin Guang!" Yan Luo said coldly.

"King Qin Guang, if you are not worthy of my grandfather, I will meet you!" Shangguan Ying'er walked out and said indifferently.

"Evil one." King Qin Guang looked at Shangguan Ying'er, his eyes narrowed slightly. As the captain of the first group of the evil ghost army, Shangguan Ying'er was not only because she was a disciple of the Rain King, but also because of her toughness strength.

Shangguan Yinger's meaning Xiao Chen also understood that his biggest opponent was Yama King. He had to concentrate on dealing with Yama King, so he did not stop Shangguan Ying.

"Although I am not strong, I am willing to fight for my life for the sake of my king!" The ban slowly walked out and looked at Yan Luo behind King Yan Luo: "Emperor Song, dare to come out for a fight?"

Emperor Song came out, staring coldly at the ban: "A traitor, dare to challenge me, since you want to die, then I will fulfill you!"

"Since we are allies, we should also contribute something."

Murong Yu said faintly, the voice fell, the evil spirits of the tenth class took a step together: "King Chujiang, the king of five sense organs, dare to come out and fight us!"

"A mere group of evil spirits dare to provoke Yan Luo, it is really looking for death!"

"An ant-like existence, if you dare to provoke us, then just trample to death!"

The two Yama stepped out, looking at them with indifference.

"Although my strength is not strong, I can also deal with one." Bai Caiyi walked out and said calmly.

Murong Yu and others all frowned and looked at Bai Caiyi. They could naturally see that Bai Caiyi's strength was very low, even not as good as the impermanence-level evil spirits. This kind of strength actively invited to fight, isn't it seeking a dead end?

Xiao Chen nodded.

Bai Caiyi stepped forward, looked at the remaining Yan Luo, and said calmly: "Do any of you want to fight me?"

"I'm coming." Another Yama walked out behind King Yama, looking at Bai Caiyi, a strange light flickered in his eyes.

"King Taishan, such a beautiful female ghost, don't kill it."

"Relax, I am very pitiful and cherish jade." Taishan King said lightly.

"Xiao Chen, is she really not the subject?" Murong Yu couldn't help asking.

"Don't worry." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Well, I will believe you once." Murong Yu said, then looked at the remaining Yan Luo, and said: "The four of you, I will solve it myself."

"King Yu, although your strength is very strong, but if you want to deal with our four Yamas at the same time, you would underestimate us!" Hearing Murong Yu's words, the remaining four Yamas looked a little ugly, especially The King of Wheels said with a grim look.

"I was going to deal with five, but I didn't expect to be robbed of one by the little girl, so I had to solve the four of you first." Murong Yu said flatly.

Being so despised, the remaining four Yamas became even more angry.

"Interesting, interesting, it's been a long time since I've seen such a fun thing, in that case, the king should take a good look at the scene!"

Yama King laughed loudly.

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