Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1826: The messy prisoner!

The copper pillar collided with the fire stick, and the force of terror was splashing. The fire stick in the hands of the volcano **** master almost couldn't grasp it, and his arms were shaking.

"The power of King Kong?" The volcano **** prisoner glanced at Xiao Chen in surprise.

"It is the power of King Kong!" Xiao Chen said lightly while holding the copper pillar in his hand, looking at the volcano prison master who had stepped back a few steps.

"It's really tricky. I can master the power of the forbidden spell of the **** master of the copper pillar. It's no wonder Lord Yama will let us do it together. If this is the case, I will do my best!"

The lord of the volcano **** said in a deep voice, the next moment, the fire stick in his hand suddenly burned with blazing flames.

"Forbidden, **** red lotus beast!"

As his voice fell, a lion beast burning with flames like magma appeared in the fire stick in the hands of the volcano prisoner.

The **** red lotus beast roared, its voice shook the sky, mighty and majestic, and the surrounding void burned into ashes with this roar.

"Interesting forbidden method, what do you think about this?" Xiao Chen looked at the **** red lotus beast. This was the first time he had seen such a forbidden method.

"Ning, Nether three-headed dog, Nether tiger!"


With two roars, a three-headed nether dog and a nether tiger appeared on both sides of Xiao Chen. They were majestic and powerful. After the two beasts appeared, they bite directly at the **** red lotus beast.

"Take me!" Xiao Chen lifted the copper pillar in his hand, and a wing flash appeared in front of the volcano prison master, and the copper pillar in his hand fell directly.

The face of the volcano prisoner changed, and he hurriedly picked up the fire stick in his hand to resist.

Bang bang bang! After a few copper pillars went down, the volcano prisoner was directly smashed into the air. He glanced at the other battlefields, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes. There was no battlefield in the twelve battlefields that had the upper hand.

"Forbidden method! Hundreds of stones are dazzling!" Xiao Chen said coldly. The next moment, the face of the volcano prisoner changed, and countless groups of stone thorns appeared around him, firmly controlling his body.

"It's another forbidden method!" The volcano prisoner said in shock.

"Is that my forbidden law?" Evil One Fifty Eight saw this scene, his eyes were dull.

"Forbidden Law, Thousand-Hand Forbidden Kill!" Xiao Chen appeared on the stone thorn and directly used the Thousand-Hand Forbidden Kill, and the power of the netherworld in the main body of the volcano prison continued to flow into Xiao Chen.

"Are you foul?" The volcano prisoner said dullly.

"Forbidden law! Thousands of miles of ice!" Xiao Chen said coldly, half of the volcano prisoner's arm was frozen, and at this time the volcano prisoner was already shocked and speechless.

"Let me use this too!" Xiao Chen put his hand on the fire stick and closed his eyes slightly. The next moment, he opened his eyes.

"Forbidden law, **** red lotus beast!" The next moment, the **** red lotus beast fighting the Nether Tiger appeared next to Xiao Chen, squatting next to Xiao Chen, lovingly rubbing Xiao Chen's toes.

"If it wasn't for you to be useful, I would kill you, you just stay, if you dare to do anything, the **** red lotus beast will teach you how to be a ghost!"

Xiao Chen patted the **** red lotus beast, and then moved to a shadow clone. The shadow clone in front of the volcano hellmaster instantly dissipated, but he didn't notice this at all, just looked at the **** red lotus beast with a blind face.

The Hell Red Lotus Beast is the spirit of the forbidden object, absolutely loyal to the owner of the forbidden object, but now the forbidden object is still in his hands, but the forbidden spirit has lost contact with him, and has even been summoned by the enemy to become the enemy's helper.

"What the **** is going on? Who the **** is that guy, who can use so many forbidden methods at the same time, and what is going on with the Hell Red Lotus Beast!" The volcano prisoner has been completely messed up.

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