Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1821: Three people join forces!

"The Lord Yama is the heaven of hell. If he wants us to die, we have to die. Resistance is of no use. There is only one result of resistance, and that is the soul is scattered!"

"Lord Rain, you can catch it with your hands. You can't be the opponent of Lord Yama."


Rain King's voice fell, and a very pessimistic voice instantly sounded.

"Lord Rain, the horror of Yama, and the belief that Yama is invincible have penetrated deep into their souls. It is impossible for them to resist Yama," Eshi frowned.

"If this is the case, fight until they are afraid, fight until they dare not confront us!" Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Don't be stupid, you think they are all evil seventeen or seventeen. Although we are the captain, many members of the evil spirit army are stronger than us, and most of them are the king of Yama who are involved in evil. The strong in the ghost army." Evil Shi couldn't help saying.

"You don't know until you have fought these things!" Xiao Chen stepped out, Shangguan Ying'er followed closely, and Mu Qingxuan also appeared on the other side.

"I don't care how much you fear King Yama, and no matter how much you respect King Yama, I'll just say it once, keep the road aside, otherwise Beiyin Mountain will be your burial place."

Xiao Chen said solemnly.

"Evil fifteen and eighty, you are just a newcomer, so you dare to be so arrogant!"

"Evil fifteen and eighty? Newcomer?" Xiao Chen sneered, and then loudly said: "You remember for the little master, the little master is not a fifteen or eighty, Xiao Chen is called Xiao Chen, it will be your nightmare!"

When the voice fell, Xiao Chen took Mu Qingxuan and Shangguan Yinger directly into the air.

"The power of evil spirits, get up!"


A terrifying aura suddenly burst out of Xiao Chen's body, and the powerful aura surprised the evil tenth class Ghost Xiu.

"What a strong breath, could it be that he hides his strength in the evil ghost space?"

"The husband and wife are in the same heart!" Xiao Chen held the hands of the two women. The next moment, the power of the netherworld continued to flow through the three of them, and the breath of the three of them was earth-shattering!

"The husband and wife are in the same heart, with the sword in the palm of one hand!"

In the next moment, there were earth dragons on Shangguan Ying'er, golden dragons on Xiao Chen, and thunder dragon on Mu Qingxuan.

With the three-person center, the earth dragon, the golden dragon, and the thunder dragon, with an unmatched aura, crashed down towards the surrounding members of the evil ghost army, and the entire shade of the mountain suddenly exploded.

The entire shaded mountain is shaking violently, and the dazzling light illuminates the entire shaded mountain.

"Ding Ding Ding!" The system kept beeping, the nether power consumed was constantly being replenished, and even the power of evil spirits exploded again.

"The power of evil spirits, stack!"


The breath of the three people suddenly rose again, and the evil ten and others saw this scene, their faces showed shock again.

"System, Yinger and Qingxuan are the goddesses of the system, can you convert the power of the ghost in their bodies to the power of the source, and use the palm of the sun!"

The Big Sun Tathagata palm is a practice method in the Buddhist realm, which has a restraining effect on ghost cultivation. If the husband and wife work together, how powerful it is, Xiao Chen simply can't imagine.

"Expend a lot of origin value, you can use the power of origin for a short time!"

"It doesn't matter how much the original value is spent, now I will switch the power of the cost source!" Xiao Chen said solemnly.

"as you wish!"

When the voice fell, the nether power in Xiao Chen's body was all converted into the power of the source, and at the same time, the power of the nether in the two women's body was also converted into the power of the source!

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