Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1804: Thank you for your patronage!

After Xiao Chen and Mu Qingxuan killed two evil spirits, two figures suddenly fell. The aura in them was very strong, but they were not as violent as evil spirits.

"Are you the participants of the other brigade?" After seeing the two figures, Xiao Chen had already guessed their identities.

"At an impermanence level, the aura on that female ghost is a little unnoticeable, but being able to be with an impermanence level is obviously not much stronger." A ghost repairer glanced at both Xiao Chen and said lightly.

"The tenth team is the weakest team. It's really not as good as a year. This kind of strength can also become a newcomer. It seems that the tenth team has reached the level where no one can use it." Another Gui Xiu sneered.

"You two should belong to the seventh brigade." Xiao Chen looked at the two ghosts and said indifferently. Before entering the ghost space, Evil 15 gave him a detailed information about the newcomers in each brigade. data of.

"Since we know that we belong to the seventh brigade, then don't hand over the score card obediently." The first ghost sneered.

"If it weren't for killing new people and not earning points, points would be deducted instead. You two would be dead for a long time. I urge you two to hand over the points card obediently." The second ghost sneered.

Xiao Chen looked at the two ghosts, and doubts flashed in his mind. The only newcomers in the tenth brigade were Xiao Chen and Mrs. Chen, and Mu Qingxuan was regarded as an external force like a magic weapon, not a newcomer. After reading his information, how can I get the two of them to hand over their score cards?

In fact, Xiao Chen didn't know that the other brigade looked down on the tenth brigade at all, and the two Gui Xiu in front of him only checked the information of the newcomers of the other brigade. Because they did not know Xiao Chen and the others, they guessed that they were from the tenth brigade.

"It's impossible to hand over the score card, but if you two can hand over the score card obediently, maybe you can save yourself a bit of pain."

Xiao Chen sneered. He had seen the information of two people, the judge level, maybe it is better to ban killing, they still have a long way to become members of the true evil spirit army.

Hearing that, the two ghosts looked cold and stared at Xiao Chen: "They are not very strong, but their tone is not small. If this is the case, we will pick it up by ourselves!"

After the words fell, the two ghosts had already come to Xiao Chen and Mu Qingxuan respectively without hesitation.

Xiao Chen and Mu Qingxuan did not move, until the two of them arrived, Xiao Chen faintly vomited a certain word, and then a thousand-handed ban, firmly controlled it.

And Mu Qingxuan turned into a ghost directly, and in the dumbfounded expression of that ghost Xiu, he grabbed a piece of it on his body and slapped it out, life and death unknown.

After the body fixation technique was over, Xiao Chen also received a thousand-handed ban, looked at the ghost in front of him and said lightly: "If I were you, I would hand over the points card obediently."

The ghost Xiu was still in shock. Hearing Yan glanced at Mu Qingxuan who had turned into a ghost, and then at Xiao Chen, his face was very ugly.

"It turned out to be a ghost!"

Xiao Chen didn't speak, just looked at him lightly.

The ghost shaved his face and then took out a black iron stone card. Xiao Chen took the card, and then took out his own card and swiped all the points on the opponent.

Then Mu Qingxuan also captured another ghost, and soon, the seventh brigade appeared with two codenames of a few minutes.

"Thank you for your patronage." Xiao Chen smiled faintly. After putting away the points card, he said again: "I know that your seventh brigade has five stronger than you besides the two weakest. You are welcome to come and take revenge. ."

When the voice fell, Xiao Chen took Mu Qingxuan and left directly.

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