Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1795: The evil spirits block the way!

And Xiao Chen also heard Mrs. Chen's code name, Evil Eleven!

"The newcomer competition is to put all the newcomers in the two brigades into the evil spirit space, and kill them among a million evil spirits. You can get points by killing the evil spirits, and you can also grab the opponent's points. Finally, you will be ranked according to the total points of the newcomers. But the opponent does not necessarily have only two newcomers."

Evil Fifteen said lightly: "Do you two understand?"

"Understood!" Chen Tai said immediately, and Xiao Chen just nodded.

"It's good to understand, evil fifteen and eighty. The members of the fifth team are all doing tasks. When they come back, they will take you to meet. You should go back and practice first." Evil Fifteen Dao.

"Yes!" Xiao Chen nodded.

Evil Fifteen and Evil Eleven nodded and left.

"Evil fifteen and eighty, right? Although I don’t know how you easily walked past under the coercion of so many adults, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you are stronger than me. Don’t ask me to be behind when newcomers are competing Legs, otherwise I will definitely not let you go." Mrs. Chen said to Xiao Chen who was about to leave.

Xiao Chen glanced at Mrs. Chen, ignored it, and left with Mu Qingxuan.

Mrs. Chen looked at Xiao Chen's back, her eyes flashed with anger, and then she glanced at Mu Qingxuan's back, and a sinister color slowly appeared in her eyes.

After returning to his residence, Xiao Chen found Bai Caiyi, and after discussing it, he was about to go to Nether Mountain, but before he had walked a few steps, suddenly two evil spirits came over. Seeing their appearance, they should be part of the evil spirit army. member.

"Unexpectedly, when I returned to the base, I met such two beautiful female ghosts. I am blessed this time." The two evil ghosts stared at Bai Caiyi and Mu Qingxuan, looking up and down, with green light in their eyes.

"Evil seventy-seven, it belongs to you, I want this female ghost." A ghost pointed at Bai Caiyi, and then looked at Mu Qingxuan, the green light in his eyes became thicker.

"I don't care, as long as it's a female ghost!" Evil Seventeen or Seven, then rubbed his hands and walked towards Bai Caiyi.

"Evil Ghost Legion hasn't met such a beautiful female ghost for a long time, female ghost sister, follow me well, I promise you will have a good life in hell."

The two laughed unscrupulously, ignoring the ghost repairs around them. Xiao Chen looked at the two ghost repairs with a gloomy expression and said indifferently: "Get out of here!"

"Hehehe, kid, you are the newcomer this time, don't you know that you have something good to honor seniors?" Both Guixiu looked over and said with a smile.

"I'm saying it again, get out!"

Xiao Chen glanced at the two ghosts and said indifferently.

"It seems that this newcomer is a bit ignorant. It seems that we need to teach him the rules of the evil spirit army." Another Gui Xiu sneered.

Evil Seventeen Seven looked at Xiao Chen with a sneer in his eyes.

"I know the rules of the Evil Legion better than you, the weak will eat the strong!" Xiao Chen's voice fell, and he and Mu Qingxuan acted at the same time.

Xiao Chen flashed his wings and appeared in front of the Evil Seventeen Seven, and the evil demon burst fists out.

Evil Seventeen Seven saw Xiao Chen making a move, a sneer flashed in his eyes, and he faintly stretched out his hand to block Xiao Chen's fist, and sneered, "This newcomer is really arrogant!"

"Thousands of hands are forbidden!" Xiao Chen didn't change his face, but said indifferently. The next moment, countless virtual hands have all fallen on Evil Seventeen Seven.

Evil Seventeen Seven's complexion changed, and he gave a cold shout. Just about to shake those virtual hands, he heard a sudden shout from Xiao Chen.

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