Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1792: Become a ghost!

Xiao Chen was startled, but within the time he was stunned, Mu Qingxuan suddenly left him and appeared in the air, and at the same time a sad voice rang.

"Xiao Chen, take care!"

When the voice fell, Mu Qingxuan's black hair danced. In her dark pupils, scarlet flashed suddenly, and at the same time a very brutal and cruel breath came out. Mu Qingxuan raised her head and screamed, and on her original beautiful face, appeared Many black runes.

"Qingxuan, what do you want to do?" Xiao Chen looked at Mu Qingxuan's appearance and suddenly woke up and hurriedly shouted.

"For you, I am willing to become a ghost and open a bright road for you!"

As Mu Qingxuan's unwavering voice fell, Mu Qingxuan's body suddenly grew bigger, full of weird black runes, grabbed a demon next to him, raced into his mouth, and chewed.

"Li ghost!" Outside the evil ghost space, the evil tenth class ghosts all looked at Mu Qingxuan in shock.

"She was willing to turn into a ghost for him!" The many ghosts are incredible.

"Li ghosts are a hundred times more cruel than evil ghosts. They are the most powerful ghosts on the eighteenth floor of hell. Like evil ghosts, they have no mind, but evil ghosts only know how to kill. Unlike Li ghosts, they are willing to turn into a ghost for someone. Will listen to the words of that person, that life, they are born, that person dies, and their souls are gone."

Evil Ten said slowly: "I didn't expect that there is still such a female ghost in this world who is willing to turn into a ghost."

"My lord, it is rumored that Li Gui possesses an incomparable body and soul, and is extremely powerful in breaking the ring. Is it true?"

"You don't know if you look at it yourself," Eshi said indifferently, and then all Gui Xiu's eyes focused on the evil space.

I saw many clones of Mu Qingxuan appear in the evil ghost space, which can not be called clones, because this is the afterimage left by Mu Qingxuan's too fast speed. Every time Mu Qingxuan catches it, there are countless evil ghosts. Soul flies away, and even throws evil spirits in his mouth to chew from time to time.

"System, do you know what happened to Qingxuan?" Xiao Chen hurriedly asked in his heart looking at Mu Qingxuan's appearance.

"She has turned into a ghost."

"What is a ghost?" Xiao Chen asked hurriedly.

The systematic explanation is similar to Eshi's explanation. Upon hearing the systematic explanation, Xiao Chen sighed and said, "This stupid woman, I don't even believe that I can protect you."

In fact, when Mu Qingxuan kissed Xiao Chen just now, the reason he was shocked was because the system sounded a reminder.

"Ding! Congratulations to the thunder goddess Mu Qingxuan for showing her love to the host, and Mu Qingxuan's intimacy with the player reached 100 points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for acquiring the special skill: Love is stronger than gold!"

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for obtaining the combo skill: Husband and wife are in one mind."

Love is stronger than gold, a special skill. This is a special skill after Xiao Chen and the goddess in the goddess system reach 100% intimacy. Its function is simply that as long as Xiao Chen and Mu Qingxuan are together, the power in his body It can be continuously transmitted to Mu Qingxuan's body, and the damage that falls on Mu Qingxuan's body can also be transferred to him, which means that Xiao Chen can take any damage for Mu Qingxuan.

Similarly, Mu Qingxuan can also continuously transfer the power in her body into Xiao Chen's body, and can also sustain damage for Xiao Chen.

Husband and wife are concentric, it is a combination of skills, two people can use a certain skill at the same time, which can double their power.

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