Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1781: Both Yoneda!

"My old lady just said why you are not moved. It turns out that you are so machismo. You are dissatisfied that I chased you. Then you said it earlier, I let you chase!"

Xiaojiao's words fell, and all the nearby Gui Xiu laughed, Leng Mad's face was embarrassed, and he wanted to find a hole to drill down.

"It turns out that ghost repairs are the same as people, and they have their own feelings and lives." Xiao Chen looked at Leng Mad and a group of ghost repairs, with a smile flashing in his eyes. According to the ban, all the resources of the entire eighteenth **** It depends on the ghost cultivators who have a job, and some ghost cultivators who do not have a job or are unwilling to find a job can only live hard in dangerous places like Nether Mountain.

The group of ghost cultivators in front of them can be said to be poor ghosts, and it is extremely difficult to see such feelings in them.

"Congratulations to the boss, congratulations to the sister-in-law!" All the ghosts said congratulations to the two.

"Congratulations." Xiao Chen and Bai Caiyi stepped forward.

"Thanks to you, otherwise this male chauvinist doesn't know when he will accept the old lady." Xiao Jiao glanced at it coldly, and then thanked Xiao Chen.

Hearing that, an embarrassment appeared on Leng Mad's face.

"Congratulations to the two of you finally getting married." Xiao Chen smiled.

"Should we go into the mountain?" At this moment, Bai Caiyi said.

"By the way, cold and crazy, I accidentally found a Hundred Flower Vine, but it is an impermanence-level Dream Beast guarding the Hundred Flower Vine. Originally I was not sure about one of them. Now, with you, the two of us hold the dream. The beast has a better chance of getting Baihuavine." Little Chili said suddenly.

"Hundred-flowered vine?" Leng Feng's expression changed. The Hundred-flowered vine flowers as the name suggests. There are hundreds of strange flowers growing on the vine. Each kind of flower is a rare cultivation material for them. If they can obtain a Hundred Flower vine, it is enough. They practiced for hundreds of years.

However, the impermanence-level moncler beast is extremely powerful. The moncler beast suppresses the ghost repair greatly. dozens of ghost repairs of the same level may not be able to hunt a moncler beast. With their two strengths, Facing the Moncry Beast, it was purely looking for death!

As if he had guessed what Leng Madness thought, Little Pepper continued: "Leng Madness, don’t worry, that dream beast just broke through the impermanence level, and its breath is not stable, and we are just drawing away the dream beast. Headshot, I think I can fight."

"I want to be wealthy and dangerous. There are not many chances of encountering Baihuateng. I will fight it." Leng Crazy's face was ruthless, and then he looked at Xiao Chen and said: "You two should go with us, but I can tell you, Entering Nether Mountain, life and death have fate and wealth in the sky."

"We were originally looking for resources, so naturally we have to go in." Xiao Chen said.

"it is good."

Nodded coldly, and then all of their ghost cultivators took out something and began to wipe them on their bodies.

Xiao Chen and Bai Caiyi were startled, "Why is this thing so like Yoneda?"

"This is the dung of an impermanent-level moncler, which can hide our breath when applied to the body. Generally, moncler beasts will stay away because of the breath of the dung. I have one more thing here. You two should also quickly apply it. Then we go into the mountains."

Leng Feng said as he took out two small pockets, and all of them were Yoneda Ko.

Bai Caiyi didn't hesitate, and learned how to apply Xiaojiao to her body. Xiao Chen laughed bitterly when she saw it. What had happened to her, being swallowed by a beast, now she wants to smear the rice field on her body.

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