Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1770: Hell situation!

After the black knife passed through Ma Mian's head, there was no movement, not even a trace of wind blew, and no hair fell.

The horse's face kept laughing wildly, but Xiao Chen's face did not change at all, but said indifferently: "The sword of the soul, take a photo!"

When the voice fell, Ma Mian felt only a splitting headache, as if a sharp sword was slashing his soul.

"You actually have a spirit ability, but our ghost soul is a hundred times stronger than you, how could you hurt the labor and capital!" Ma Mian screamed with a terrifying expression.

"My lord, what happened!"

The door was pushed open, and a few young fangs imps broke in.

"Get him down for labor and capital!"

The horse said angrily.

When the words fell, a few blue-faced and fangs little ghosts rushed towards Xiao Chen holding the hooks in their hands. After a breath, the few blue-faced and fangs little ghosts were gone, leaving nothing behind.

"Ding! Congratulations to the player Xiao Chen for slaying the blue-faced fangs imp, gaining 5000 nether points and 1 million pit margin."

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for obtaining Ghost Iron!"

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for getting the Netherstone!"

"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for acquiring the ghost!"


"It seems that these eighteen layers of hell, like the Tomb of Death, are the best place to get the original value." Xiao Chen looked at the horse's face, killing intent in his heart, and the nether value is the original power converted into the nether power. A numerical value is the same as the original value, as long as it is willing, it can completely convert the cost source value.

"Huh?" Then Xiao Chen checked the explosion, a trace of excitement appeared on his face.

"System, can the deceptive artifact really be re-forged?"

"Yes, after being forged, it will be a brand new artifact."

"Okay, I understand." Xiao Chen said.

"How is it possible, you are obviously just a young child, how can you have the power of the Nether, and your cultivation is so strong?" Ma Mian said in disbelief, suddenly a dull expression appeared on his face, the next moment, Ma Mian Looking at Xiao Chen, a respectful look appeared on his face.

"Master!" Ma Mian came to Xiao Chen respectfully.

"What did you do?" Bai Caiyi glanced at Xiao Chen and asked strangely.

"I controlled his soul, he is now mine." Xiao Chen said, at the same time feeling a little frightened. Ma Mian could only have the strength of the Divine Might Realm at best, but he controlled him when Ma Mian lost his mind. It seems that Ghost Xiu's soul is much stronger than theirs.

Xiao Chen came to Ma Mian, and pointed his finger on Ma Mian's forehead, a huge stream of information flowed into his mind.

After a long time, Xiao Chen slowly opened his eyes, a solemn color flashed in his eyes.

The eighteen layers of **** were more terrifying than he had imagined. The entire eighteen layers of hells were distinct and concentrated, and all power was in the hands of the Yama King, the head of the ten temples.

When the soul appears in the hell, it will appear in the Nether Sea. After being baptized by the Nether Rain, it will cross the Naihe Bridge and then be assigned to various hells. Some talented individuals will be given the Hades Ghost Technique and serve as errands on the eighteenth floor of the Hell. , And those with poor talents work in hell, working for a certain period of time, and then reincarnation.

The whole **** can be said to be more authoritarian, and after practicing the Hades Ghost Technique, he will be controlled by the Hades. Whether it is an imp, a tauren, black-and-white impermanence, a judge, or other Yama, the life of the Hades is within the thought of the Yama.

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