Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1766: Tongue hell!

"Yeah." Xiao Chen nodded.

"Perhaps this is fate. No one in heaven knows how to get to the eighteenth hell, but I am an exception, because I was going to enter the eighteenth hell, so I knew an entrance to hell." Bai Cai Yi smiled.

"Then can you take me there?" Xiao Chen asked hurriedly.

"Of course it can, but I have a request." Bai Caiyi said.

"What's the requirement?" Xiao Chen was startled.

"I want to live in eighteen layers of hell?" Bai Caiyi said.

"Why?" Xiao Chen was stunned again. Heaven is an ideal world, and the eighteenth **** is needless to say, it is also a chaotic world. How could Bai Caiyi want to live in the eighteenth hell.

"Because I don't deserve to live here, and one more thing, because I feel a bit unreal here." Bai Caiyi said.

"Hahaha, that's right, this is really untrue, I will take you to the eighteenth hell, because that is where people should live." Xiao Chen stood up and laughed.

Bai Caiyi also smiled, and the two of them didn't hesitate. Under Bai Caiyi's instructions, Xiao Chen took Bai Caiyi and left.


"The entrance is inside." Bai Caiyi pointed to a dark mountain range in front of him. "Because there is an aura of disgust here, people in heaven will not approach here."

"Let's go in." Xiao Chen stepped into the mountains first, and Bai Caiyi hurriedly followed. Half an hour later, Xiao Chen and Bai Caiyi came to the entrance of a cave. The entrance of the cave was pitch black and the wind was raging, like a huge fierce. The beast opened its mouth like a huge.

"This is the entrance to the eighteenth hell." Bai Caiyi pointed to the entrance of the cave and said, "I came out of this cave in the first place."

"This is the entrance to the eighteenth floor. What is the entrance of that cave?" There are two entrances here. They are now in front of the entrance to the 18th floor of hell, and there is another entrance not far away. The entrance looks ordinary. .

"I don't know, maybe it's just an ordinary entrance." Bai Caiyi said.

"Forget it, leave it alone, let's go in." Xiao Chen said.

"it is good."

Xiao Chen pulled the white clothes and jumped directly down the entrance of the cave. After that, Xiao Chen only felt a whirl of the sky, and when they opened their eyes again, they had already appeared in another world.

Xiao Chen's first feeling was two words, dark and hot!

The surrounding area was gray, like smog, and what was even more strange was that two suns appeared in Xiao Chen’s sight, and there was no green at all. Everything was bald and dim, giving people a very depressing feeling. a feeling of.

"There are two more chicks here, and there is such a watery little girl. It happens that the adults don't know what to contribute to the ban, I think these two are good."

"Forbidden to kill adults like fine skin and tender meat. Male and female kill them. These two are just coming to the **** of tongue-out. It is the tenderest time. Adults will definitely be rewarded this time."

There was a crippling voice on the side, and Xiao Chen and Bai Caiyi only discovered at this moment that there were two little ghosts with blue faces and fangs in front of them, holding hooks and looking at them.

"Then what are you waiting for, take them down!" A little ghost said, and with a flick of the hook in his hand, Xiao Chen and Bai Caiyi were already tied firmly.

When Xiao Chen was about to struggle, Bai Caiyi's voice came in his ear: "Don't resist, ban is the judge of tongue-out hell. The master is in tongue-out hell. If you want to save Keer, you can't waste too much energy, otherwise you If you can't see the judge, you will be repaired by countless ghosts, and you will be exhausted."

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