Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1763: Beat a bastard!

"Hell actually owns the origin beads, and you know that I am collecting the origin beads?" Xiao Chen looked at the white robe Xiao Chen, wanting to see something from his face.

Xiao Chen in the white robe smiled silently.

"I feel that you know myself better than me, do you like me?" Xiao Chen said suddenly.

"Don't be funny, if you don't want you to accomplish something, you think I will take care of you." Bai Pao Xiao Chen blurted out.

"What do you want me to accomplish?" Xiao Chen asked.

"I can't tell you yet."

"Actually, if you don't tell me, I'm almost guessing. Let me guess. First of all, there should be some connection between you and the system?" Xiao Chen stared at Xiao Chen in the white robe.

"Yes, but I won't tell you about our relationship."

"I didn't intend to ask, but you and the system asked me to do the same thing." Xiao Chen continued to ask.

"It's not wrong."

"And this matter should still have something to do with one person, that person is Tian Xing'er, right?" Xiao Chen asked.

The main task of the system is to raise Tian Xing'er, and various five-s-level tasks are related to Tian Xing'er. After coming into contact with the inner world, Xiao Chen even thought that the Tian Xing Immortal Territory was probably Tian Xing'er's inner world.

And Tian Xing'er is probably the reincarnation of a certain strong man, and his task is to help Lord Tian Xing'er restore her previous strength.

"It's not wrong, are there any questions?" Baipao Xiao Chen asked.

"Of course there is, that is you or the system, why did you choose me?" Xiao Chen asked loudly.

"Why did I choose you? If I said that I just wanted to keep you alive, you definitely don’t believe me, then I’ll tell you. Apart from asking you to help Xinger, there is a real reason, because I want to cultivate a real Strong man, and then go with me to beat a shameless, nasty, mean, vicious bastard."

White Robe Xiao Chen gritted his teeth and said.

"Your sister, your purpose is to let me beat people for you?" Xiao Chen was a little dumbfounded.

"Yes, to complete that task is just a piggyback. The most important thing is to beat people. Do you know how nasty that guy is? Do you know how **** that guy is? Do you know how much I want to beat that guy?" Bai Pao Xiao Chen said excitedly.

"That's my shit!"

"Of course it's your business. If it weren't that bastard, I wouldn't find you, and there wouldn't be so many things." Bai Pao Xiao Chen said.

"Who is that bastard?" Xiao Chen asked.

"That **** is..." Bai Pao Xiao Chen's words changed, and said: "Who is that bastard, I can't tell you now, when you really become stronger, I will naturally tell you."

"You better not lie to me." Xiao Chen said.

"Don't worry, I won't lie to you." Bai Pao Xiao Chen smiled and said: "You know everything you want to know now, and you should do what you should do."

When the voice fell, Xiao Chen in the white robe waved his big hand, and a black channel appeared. Xiao Chen didn't react and was sucked in.


"Ding! Welcome players to hell."

The system prompt sounded in my mind.

"System, are you sure this is hell?"

"This is hell, but it is not the eighteenth hell. You need to find the entrance to the eighteenth hell." System said.

"What do you mean?"

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