Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1750: Army attack!

"Whether it is a mortal kingdom or a cultivator, a cultivator or a **** cultivator, as long as it is a person in the world of the master, we will save them all." Xiao Chen said solemnly, the picture in his mind, inside Mu Yun The world is very similar to the world he walked along the way, warriors, immortal realms, immortal realms, and places like the gods.

"Big brother, rest assured, I have already sent out the ginkgo leaves. Whether it is the Sky Star Sect, the Sky Star Immortal Palace, the extraterritorial demons, the ancient giants, the Xuanyuan Clan, the Chiyou Clan, and the White Bone Clan, they are all in place, and only the big brother can give an order. !"

"Okay!" Xiao Chen said with enthusiasm, "The whole army will attack and save people."

As Xiao Chen's voice fell, the Heavenly Star Immortal Territory appeared behind Xiao Chen. The countless Shenzhou and warriors in the Heavenly Star Immortal Territory were all ready, waiting for the light gate to appear, countless Shenzhou rushing out, and then heading around.

Then Xiao Chen contacted Xiao Jiajun again, and soon, Xiao Batian led the entire Xiao Jiajun out.

Not only that, the Demon Legion and Jin Yong Legion were also released by Xiao Chen again, and the places they went were mainly mortal kingdoms.

During Xiao Chen's three years of suffering, all the soldiers were dispatched, including the Emperor Killing and Emperor Kai.

Soon after, Xiao Chen came to the place where the Heavenly Star Immortal Territory suppressed the bloodthirsty.

"Brother, I need your help." Xiao Chen said straightforwardly.

"With your strength, you still need my help?" Bloodthirsty glanced at Xiao Chen lightly, and said calmly.

"The master's inner world has appeared, and now many outsiders are attacking the creatures in the master's inner world. Although I have sent a large number of manpower, there are still some shortcomings. I know the senior brother's ability, and I ask the senior brother to take action."

Xiao Chen said that as long as the bloodthirsty bees had blood, they could create infinite warriors, and what he lacked now was manpower.

"You should know my nature, let me go out, but I will cause a lot of massacres." Bloodthirsty remained unmoved, just said lightly.

"I know, although the brother is bloodthirsty, he still respects the master. As long as the brother helps, those outsiders can be handled at will by the brother, but here is a sea of ​​mist, there are still many strong people, brothers must be careful.

Xiao Chen said calmly.

"Let me out." Bloodthirsty said indifferently. During the period of his suppression, he was not just sitting. At this time, his cultivation base was not weaker than that of the Holy Land Tianjiao.

Xiao Chen didn't speak, but his mind moved, they had already appeared outside the Heavenly Star Immortal Territory, Qing Lin taught the method used by the leaf to Bloodthirsty.

Bloodthirsty moved and came into the air. A blood-red light door appeared behind him. Countless bloodthirsty bees emerged in groups, and then went around.

Somewhere, several foreign races were chasing a flower monster. Just when they were about to succeed, a huge leaf suddenly covered it. Although they broke the leaf for the first time, the flower monster in front of them disappeared for no reason. .

The same scene appeared in different places, making these aliens thunderous.

The order Xiao Chen gave them was mainly to save people. Otherwise, with the strength of the evil demons and the Xuanyuan clan outside the territory, these alien races would have no chance to jump like thunder, and would be killed directly.

After all the soldiers left, Xiao Chen looked somewhere, and then the person disappeared.

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