Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1732: Murong Xiaoxiao appeared!

"Who did the first move?" Yuhe's eyes swept around, and Huang Lang's eyes were also looking around, his eyes full of threats.

Under Huang Lang’s threatening gaze, other races lowered their heads, and those races that had been well acquainted with the weasel clan, as Yuhe’s voice fell, they had already spoken, “It was the hand that the Human Race kid did first, and that kid is particularly arrogant. , Does not take the rules of the Lost City into consideration at all."

"That is, Human Race must give an explanation for this matter."

"Yes, it's Human Race's fault."

Seeing this scene, Murong Ye's face was sad. Obviously he had expected this scene, but Xiao Chen's face had not changed much. To put it bluntly, it was not the first time he had met this kind of thing, and he didn't feel much.

"Who is right and who is wrong in this matter must be known to the law enforcement officers. It is better to do this. I ask my people to apologize to the weasel clan and send compensation. How about this matter?" At this moment , A clear voice rang in the distance, and a group of people lased.

Dao Qing's expression became cold when she saw the three headed people, and hatred flashed in her eyes.

Xiao Chen also looked over, and among the group of people he saw a familiar figure, it was Murong Xiaoxiao, what a similar scene, when Xiao Chen was wronged, it was Murong Xiaoxiao who spoke out of righteousness, and because of this they met.

The same is true today, but the meaning in Murong's small words made Xiao Chen frown slightly. If Murong Xiaoxiao's words were really followed, wouldn't it be that he was wrong.

"It turns out that they are the three Tianjiao of Human Race, Murong Xiaoxiao, Xiao Ling, Dao can't." Yuhe looked at the Human Race who came in front of him and said lightly.

"What do Master Yuhe think of my proposal? If Master Yuhe disagrees, then I can only let the Dragon Race come forward, and ask the Tianjiao of the Three-Eyed Saint Race to check the whole story." Murong Xiaoxiao said lightly.

Hearing this, Yuhe frowned slightly: "It seems that it is true that you said that your human race has attached to the dragon clan before, but do you think that if you climb the dragon clan, do you have the capital that threatens our nine-tailed clan?"

"Master Yuhe joked. I didn't mean to threaten the nobles. It's just that the reputation of the weasel clan is not very good. With the skills of the three-eyed saints, this matter can definitely be restored completely. If the truth of the matter is revealed, it is out of the question. Master Yuhe imagined that not only the weasel clan will not look good, but the nobles will also look bad."

Murong Xiaoxiao's faint words made Yuhe frown slightly, then looked at Huang Lang and said, "What do you think?"

Huang Lang's complexion is a bit ugly. The Dragon Clan ranks first among the top ten saints, and the innate and supernatural power of the Three-Eyed Saint Clan can restore things within a certain period of time. If the Human Race really asks the Dragon Clan to come forward, I am afraid that time Nine-tailed fox family will not help him.

"I agree with this proposal." Huang Lang said solemnly.

When Huang Lang's voice fell, Yu He's face became cold. Huang Lang promised to apologize. Obviously, he was a guilty conscience, but after all, the weasel was an affiliate of her nine-tailed fox family, so she didn't have much to say.

Murong Xiaoxiao looked at Huang Lang with a trace of disdain, then looked at Xiao Chen, his face was full of joy: "Big brother, you apologize to him, even if this matter is resolved, I will pay the compensation. Big brother paid in advance, big brother don't worry."

"Xiaoxiao, do you remember how we met?" Xiao Chen looked at Murong Xiaoxiao and said seriously.

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