Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1725: Burst!

"You can die without bragging." Dao Qing rolled her eyes.

"I'm not bragging." Xiao Chen said helplessly.

Listening to the two singing and making a peace, everyone was stunned. The youth and the strong behind them were completely dumbfounded. There was also a strange expression in the blood wolf's eyes, and the silly smile on the blood bull's face had long turned into a furious rage.

"You guys are looking for death!" The blood bull roared and turned into a blood bull again, and stepped on Xiao Chen and the two, with supernatural power surging, and his moves were fierce, obviously he wanted to trample them directly to death!

"I can't help myself!" Xiao Chen faintly stretched out his fist and collided with the hooves of the blood cow. A strong wind spread, blowing away the dense fog around, and the young people were blown by the strong wind. Stepped back a few steps, but they didn't notice at all at this time, they just looked at the body of the blood cow that exploded in an incredible way.

The blood wolf also looked at this scene incredible, and muttered: "The blood cow is dead?"

Not only him, but the remaining blood oxen of the blood ox clan seemed to have been subjected to a fixation technique, just looking stupidly at the constantly falling rain of blood.

The blood wolves were also shocked.

"Wasting my strength, let's go." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Senior, the blood wolf clan and the blood ox clan have killed countless humans, and I also asked the senior to take action to destroy the blood ox clan and the blood wolf clan, and avenge my human clan." Just as Xiao Chen was about to leave, the young man was behind him. Shouted.

Hearing the sound, both the blood wolf clan and the blood ox clan changed a lot, especially the blood wolf led the blood ox. The blood ox has the same strength as his, and the blood ox has high defense and tenacious vitality. They were both hit by this person. He has no chance of winning the match.

Thinking of this, there was a retreat in my heart, and there was also a fear.

The silhouettes of Xiao Chen and Dao Qing stopped suddenly, then turned around, Xiao Chen stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and a follower behind the young man had fallen into Xiao Chen's hands.

"You said the previous request for help, right?" Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Senior, what do you want to do?"

"What do you want to do?" Xiao Chen sneered: "If it weren't for me, I have some abilities. What you said just now is likely to kill both of us. Why do you want to ask us?"

"Senior, even if I don't stop the two of you, with the cruelty of the blood ox and blood wolves, they will not let you go. Senior should kill all the blood wolves and blood wolves." The attendant shouted, with anger still in his voice.

"I'm a very good person. I did it to me. The guy just ended up. But if you didn't do it to me, I won't be against them. And what you just said implicated us in, so your end It's already destined." Xiao Chen said calmly, his voice fell, so everyone's expression changed.

"Senior, my people did wrong in this matter, and I also ask Senior to see the face of the same human race and spare his life." The young man said hurriedly.

"You want to kill me? I tell you, I belong to the Murong family. As a human race, you kill the Murong family disciple. You are the enemy of the entire human race?" The follower was taken aback for a moment, and then coldly said, his voice full of threats. .

When the voice fell, the youth's face changed wildly, and his heart cursed: "Idiot."

Blood Wolf also scolded an idiot, and there was hope in his heart. It was also because of this hope that he gave up running. He was afraid that his escape would cause Xiao Chen's dissatisfaction, and instead would directly kill him.

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