Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1719: Not greedy enough!

"It is also because Dao welcomes Murong Xue to marry him, which makes the attitude of the God of War and Murong family towards Tiandao Mountain Villa very stiff, and finally Tiandao Mountain Villa directly drove Dao Huan out of Tiandao Mountain Villa."

"Because of this, the War God family and the Murong family have become the laughingstock of the God Realm. Therefore, the three holy places strictly prohibit anyone from discussing this matter, and Murong Xue and Xiao Zhantian have become taboos for each family."

"By the way, Dao Qing is the daughter of Dao Huan and Murong Xue, and Xiao Ling, Murong Xiaoxiao, Dao can not think that Dao Qing's existence is the shame of the three holy places, so they want to kill Dao Qing."

The pavilion master talked freely, but Xiao Chen's expression became gloomy the more he listened, he didn't expect that there would be such a thing in the middle.

"Dao Qing can also be regarded as Xiao Ling's half-sister, how could he be murderous towards Dao Qing." Xiao Chen frowned.

"Hehe, Daoqing's existence is not only a shame to the three holy places, but Xiao Ling has obvious anger, because if it were not for Daohuan and Daoqing, their family of three would be the most enviable family in the gods."

Pavilion Lord said lightly.

After hearing this, Xiao Chen frowned. After a while, Xiao Chen asked again: "Are you sure Murong Xue and Xiao Zhantian have only one son?"

"Of course there is only one son." The Pavilion Master said, and glanced at Xiao Chen.

Upon hearing this, Xiao Chen took a deep breath. It seemed that some things had to be clarified by seeing Xiao Zhantian and Murong Xue in person.

"Do you know how to find Xiao Zhantian and Murong Xue?"

"This is another problem." The Pavilion Lord smiled.

Xiao Chen didn't care about him, and threw him a storage ring.

The pavilion master took the storage ring, and then said lightly: "No one knows the location of Xiao Zhantian and Murong Xue."

"Are you kidding me?" Xiao Chen frowned.

"It's not to fool you, but I really don't know." The pavilion master said.

"Are you deliberately deceiving my origin stone?" Xiao Chen's expression was slightly cold.

"In this case, if you ask questions, I will answer the questions. One is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer." The pavilion owner said lightly, without the mind of the War God family pavilion, but more like an old rascal.

"Old guy, don't be greedy enough to swallow the elephant, be careful to be crushed to death." Xiao Chen didn't have a good impression of the old guy in front of him, and he was naturally not polite.

"I would rather be killed, I don't want to be starved to death." The pavilion master said lightly.

"Take me out." Xiao Chen was too lazy to talk to the old rascal. Now that he has got what he wants, he doesn't need to stay here anymore.

"You can't go out now," Old Ge said with a weird smile.

"What do you mean?" Xiao Chen asked, looking back at Elder Ge, frowning.

"You still have the Origin Stone on you, hand him over, and I can let you go." Old Ge said. Although he didn't know how Xiao Chen abolished Xiao Yi, his greed defeated the jealousy in his heart. , He believed that Xiao Chen must still have a lot of origin stones, if he could get these origin stones, he must have a way to break through the gods of good fortune.

Xiao Chen looked at Elder Ge amusedly: "So you are still thinking about the origin stone on my body, you guessed it, there are still a lot of origin stones on my body. Ten million origin stones can be taken out at hand, but you are sure you have Can you **** these origin stones from me?"

Listening to Xiao Chen's words, the color of greed in Elder Ge's eyes grew stronger and stronger. Then he stopped talking nonsense, pressed his hands, and two giant dragons emerged out of thin air to suppress Xiao Chen.

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