Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1698: One palm!

After Xiao Chen felt the pressure, his face changed, and then he saw a tall figure appearing in the direction of the pig emperor tribe. This figure was no smaller than the wild ancient giant, and it was rotten and rotten. Human is a powerful pressure, as if a single hair can crush oneself to death.

"This is the body of the Chi You Saint Demon. Could it be that they have already refined the body of the Chi You Saint Demon." Xiao Chen's expression changed drastically, and the saint's immortality is not to say, with their power there is no way to shake the Saint's body. With the power of the saint's body, I am afraid that a few punches can completely destroy the holy city.

"Chiyou Saint Demon, Xuanyuan Saint Emperor, Wild Ancient Saint, and a hand." Xiao Chen suddenly heard an indifferent voice, Xiao Chen was overjoyed, and then turned to look, Tian Xing'er was standing beside him indifferently.

"Xing'er, are you awake?"

"I perceive a familiar breath." Tian Xing'er said indifferently, and then faintly stretched out her little hand, and then Xiao Chen heard a loud noise, and then an object rose into the sky.

Xiao Chen glanced intently and saw that the object turned out to be a palm, and as the palm appeared, suddenly waves of powerful auras continued to appear, and waves of phantoms appeared in the void, with human forms and huge animal forms, but none The exceptions are all extraterritorial demons.

These extraterritorial demons looked up to the sky and roared, their voices full of joy.

Xiao Chen's complexion changed. Xuanyuan Lumie and others once said that the three sacramental bodies suppressed the super powers of the evil demons outside the territory, could it be because the body of the Saint Demon Chi You was refined, and all the powers outside the territory evil demons would come out.

But at this moment, the palm of the hand in the void kept growing. In the blink of an eye, Xiao Chen felt that the entire sky was dark, as if the world was the end of the world.

All the evil demons outside the territories began to become apprehensive, and those phantoms continued to roar. As Tian Xing'er's little hand photographed, the entire giant palm was photographed, and then the roars stopped abruptly.

And in that place, it had become a huge five-finger abyss, and then the palm of the hand slowly became smaller, and there were three huge corpses in the palm of the hand, slowly coming towards Xiao Chen.

Bang bang bang!

The huge corpse landed not far away, and the palm of his hand flew over, and under Xiao Chen's stunned gaze, it merged with Tian Xing'er's little hand, as if this hand originally belonged to Tian Xing'er.

"Dad Xiao Chen, take the bodies of Chi You Sage Demon, Xuanyuan Sage Emperor, and Desolate Ancient Saints to the Heavenly Star Immortal Realm, and place the Origin Stone next to them to keep their bodies uncorrupted."

Tian Xing'er said: "Also, there are two little mice in the body of the Chi You Saint Demon. Ben Zong has severed the connection between them and the body. You can solve them by yourself."

After the voice fell, Tian Xing'er appeared in Tian Xing Hall again.

"Why is Tian Xing'er getting more and more sleepy during this time?" Xiao Chen was a little puzzled, but at this moment, two figures appeared beside the Chi You Saint Demon. Xiao Chen's expression changed. They were the Pig Emperor and the Elephant Emperor. .

"What's going on? Why did we finally break the connection with this body?" Xiangdi's face was full of puzzlement. The next moment, his face changed drastically and he lost his voice: "The seal was broken. How is this going?"

"That palm has disappeared, and the breath of the ancestors has also disappeared. What is going on?" The Pig Emperor was also puzzled.

"Your ancestors are all dead, you will be the next one."

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