Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1694: The power of the king!

However, the consciousness within Chi You Saint Demon and Xuanyuan Saint Emperor was overjoyed, "It turned out to be a powerful person summoned by the messenger."

The strong man summoned by the messenger, that is to say, the strange strong man is a friend, this is definitely exciting news.

When the voice fell, they directly attacked Emperor Shang, not allowing him the slightest chance to rescue.

Emperor Kai heard the voice of Emperor Shang, took a look at it, and then ignored it, very aloof.

"Ding! Congratulations to the player for upgrading, the current Shenwei Duo!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the player for upgrading, the current Shenwei triple!"

"So cool!" Feeling the surging power in his body, Xiao Chen moved his muscles and bones. Emperor Kai was able to kill monsters dozens of times faster than when he used the Origin Orb. It was just a whirling blade that killed countless outsiders. Demon.

The rest of the extraterritorial demons fled frantically, embarrassed.

"It's amazing." Xuanyuan Lin'er said, full of idiots.

"It has been resolved." Emperor Kai fell beside Xiao Chen and said coldly.

"Thanks." Xiao Chen nodded, then pointed at Emperor Shang and said, "Can he solve it?"

"Three knives are enough." Emperor Kai glanced at Emperor Shang and said indifferently.

"Then I will trouble you." Xiao Chen's eyes shot out.

Emperor Kai was not talking, and then stepped out and said indifferently: "You two get out of the way, this person is handed over to me."

Feeling the heavy pressure on Emperor Kai, the three separated instantly, and the consciousness in the two phantoms was a bit ugly. They had never been scolded like this before. If it weren’t for the person who looked at the other party as an envoy, they would directly Just do it.

"Who is your excellency? With your cultivation base, why do you want to help a human with such a low cultivation base?" Emperor Shang looked at Emperor Kai with a serious expression.

"Indestructible Demon Body!" Emperor Kai said indifferently, and then a red light suddenly appeared on his body, his aura soaring, he gently stretched out his hand, the blade had appeared in his hand, and then he slashed at Emperor Shang.

Emperor Shang's face changed. He didn't expect Emperor Kai to say that he would do it, and the speed was so fast that when he reacted, the opponent's blade had already reached the top of his head.

Emperor Shang was caught off guard, hurriedly holding a sword to block, the next moment, a earth-shaking voice sounded, and Emperor Shang's figure fell heavily towards the ground.

With a bang, a big hole has appeared in the ground, and Emperor Shang's figure has disappeared.

A red light flashed, Emperor Kai rushed towards the big hole, the next moment, a figure flew out, everyone was taken aback, and then they were shocked, the figure that flew out was the Emperor Shang, who looked like he was shot out. He vomited blood while flying.

Immediately afterwards, the red light flashed again, and Emperor Shang's complexion changed drastically, and he hurriedly said: "The blood of the emperor, be dazzling!"

When the voice fell, his eyes also shot two red lights, and they fell straight on Emperor Kai. Seeing this scene, the Emperor Emperor's face appeared joyful: "I was shot by my soul, no matter what kind of force. Under the control of the emperor."

"People always live toward death. They are not only sharp but also soul. They want to control my soul unless they kill me directly." At this moment, an indifferent voice sounded, and then a red light flashed.

The scene suddenly became quiet, and everyone looked at the body that was divided into two by the red light, and they were a little bit overwhelmed.

Especially the consciousness of those ancestors. They have fought the evil demons outside the territory for so many years, and they naturally know the horror of Emperor Shang. They need several ancestors to stop Emperor Shang, but right in front of them, Emperor Shang was cut in the waist, and the opponent There were only three moves.

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