Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1682: Xuanyuan Lin'er!

"It seems that the ancient giants are here to deal with these behemoths of war." Seeing this scene, Xiao Chen was shocked. If these behemoths of war were to rush under the city wall, he might be able to break the wall soon.

After the wild ancient giant attacked, all the figures on the wall rushed down, up to the elderly and down to the children, none of them flinched, and an all-out war broke out outside the wall.

Seeing this, Xiao Chen didn't hesitate. He jumped off the city wall and rushed towards the evil demon outside the territory. Before he rushed in, Xiao Chen was shocked by a terrifying coercion and flew back, and then slammed against the city wall severely. Chen's internal organs were in severe pain.

"Are you okay?" Suddenly a woman of the Xuanyuan clan appeared beside Xiao Chen, helped him up, and asked concerned.

"I'm fine, thank you." Xiao Chen glanced at the woman next to her. The woman was very beautiful, but her body was full of blood, and she had obviously killed many extraterritorial demons.

"It's okay, you be careful, these extraterritorial demons are very powerful."

When the voice fell, the woman was ready to rush into the battlefield again.

"You wait." Xiao Chen stopped the woman, then took out a handful of healing pills, put it in her hand, and said, "Keep these pills for use."

Xiao Chen found that the woman had a lot of injuries, so he took out the healing pill, and after taking a few pills, he gave the remaining pill to the woman.

"This is a pill?" The woman was taken aback for a moment, then swallowed one, and the wound on her body began to heal slowly.

Xiao Chen was startled, "The refining speed is so fast, just after taking the pill, he has already absorbed all the power of the medicine."

Suddenly Xiao Chen felt a chill, and then an indifferent voice sounded in Xiao Chen's ear: "Who are you? There is no pill in the city!"

"Xuanyuan Lin'er, don't be rude, this is the envoy." At this moment, Xuanyuan Mie approached him.

"Participate in the patriarch." Xuanyuan Lin'er first bowed respectfully, then looked at Xiao Chen with some doubts: "What messenger?"

"I'll talk about this later." Xuanyuan Mie said, and then said to Xiao Chen: "The messenger is dangerous here, please go to the city to take refuge."

"You don't have any medicine?" Xiao Chen looked at Xuanyuan Mie and said.

"If there were pill, we wouldn't die so many people." Xuanyuan Lin'er said.

Xiao Chen's expression sank, and he glanced at the people holding the weapons made of stone. Then he contacted Dao Xiaobai and Xiaohei with thoughts, and ordered: "Xiaobai and Xiaohei, convert all the points currently available in the two worlds into the current ones. The best pill and the best magic weapon!"

"It's the master!"

Soon, a storage ring appeared in Xiao Chen's hand, which contained a large number of pill and magic weapon. Then Xiao Chen handed the storage ring to Xuanyuanwan and said, "There are a lot of pill and magic weapon in it, I hope it can help. To you!"

Then Xiao Chen showed up a set of battle armor and a long sword in his hands, threw them to Xuanyuan Lin'er, and said, "This is for you!"

The voice fell, the God of War suit appeared, and Xiao Chen rushed to the battlefield again, "Just the aftermath of the battle can hurt me, I must be careful!"

"Continuously hold the sword in the palm!"

Looking at the few extraterritorial evil spirits not far away, Xiao Chen directly used the power of the origin to spur the continuous sword in his palm. Hundreds of golden dragons whizzed out, and instantly knocked these extraterritorial evil spirits away, but he could not kill them.

"What a formidable defense, I'm still far behind!"

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