Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1670: volcanic eruptions!

"Listen, everyone, I am the Emperor Xiao of the God of War family. There is danger here. If you believe me, I will leave here for hundreds of thousands of miles now!" The voice of Emperor Xiao's divine power blessed suddenly sounded, and as the voice fell, Emperor Xiao Regardless of the people's expressions, they hurriedly operated the God of War Boat to escape.

Many other powerful people on Shenzhou were slightly surprised when they heard the voice. They looked at the far away Warshenzhou. Everyone had different expressions, some were slightly hesitating, and they also began to flee away, while some stayed in place nonchalantly.

The children of the God of War family knew Xiao Huang, so they turned around and left without much hesitation.

And not long after these God of Wars left, suddenly there was a thump in the sky, like a heart beating, and everyone was slightly taken aback by the sudden sound.

And then the sound of dong dong dong became more and more urgent. Everyone who listened seemed to have their hearts beating out, and then countless magma burst out of the void without any sound or signs. The magma that ruined the world was surging. Then, those stone monsters and the nearby Shenzhou were swallowed by huge magma without any reaction.

Those Shenzhou who listened to Emperor Xiao’s departure heard the sound behind them, and then saw this terrifying scene. Everyone looked at the giant lava beast with a huge mouth behind them, and their hearts were chilling. The next moment, their Shenzhou seemed to hit Like stimulants, you can get away with your life, one faster than one.

However, the spread of magma in the sky behind him was not slow at all. Soon many Shenzhou were swallowed by flames, and the strong on Shenzhou defended and blocked the magma, but the temperature of the magma was so high that it would be a matter of time before death.

Xiao Huang and the others looked at the magma sea behind them with horror, especially those who expressed their suspicion just now, who were full of cold sweats. They could feel the horror of the magma sea behind them, if they were really swallowed by the magma sea, even if It is difficult for them to escape as the powerhouse of the gods.

"It's so good, how could such a huge magma burst out suddenly? Even if the most famous volcano cluster in the God Realm erupts, it's far inferior?" Xiao Huang also said with some shock, and at the same time, he was a little lucky. Fortunately, he listened to Xiao Chen's words, otherwise he would now become a member of those Shenzhou.

On the God of War, Xiao Wuqing all looked at the sky full of magma in horror, and then looked at Xiao Chen a little admiringly, but Xiao Chen's expression was a little heavy, and then said: "You stay here, I'll come as soon as I go. "

When the voice fell, Xiao Chen stepped directly out of the God of War boat and headed towards the magma sea.

"What does he want to do?" Everyone looked at Xiao Chen with a look of stunned expression. After Xiao Chen got out of the God of War boat, he transformed into a huge Vermillion Sparrow, covered with Nether Armor, and plunged into the magma sea.

"Xiao Chen, if possible, save those people." Xiao Chen originally wanted to rush into the magma sea to find the origin of fire pearl, but Mu Yun's voice made Xiao Chen stunned, listening to Mu Yun somewhat Xiao Chen agreed with the pleading voice.

"Master, these magma seas isolate the divine consciousness, you help me check where there are people alive." Xiao Chen said.

"Okay, there is a God of War ship thousands of miles to the left." Mu Yun said with some joy. Xiao Chen didn't hesitate. With the Nether armor, he simply ignored these flames, and even the Nether armor was still absorbing these flames.

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