Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1668: Fierce beasts block the way!

"Essence of origin?" Xiao Chen was taken aback, "Master, but the origin of energy exudes from the tree of origin."

"Exactly, not everyone is as perverted as you are. They can have an inner world and can also catalyze the birth of the original source tree. Most of the strong people need a lot of time to accumulate." Mu Yun sighed. .

When others were desperately robbing the source stone, Xiao Chen's inner world could already produce the source qi by himself. If those people were to know, I wonder if he would be mad.

Xiao Wuqing is similar to Mu Yunsuo's. In this battle for the throne, the fight for the source stone is also the most important part. The barbarous ancient land is opened once in a hundred years, and there are special restrictions. Only people under the age of one hundred can enter. It is over a hundred years old, even if the creation gods enter, it will be wiped out.

Because of this, neither warrior nor helper in the battle for the throne must be over a hundred years old.

And this time the battle for the throne happened to knock down the barbaric ancient land and open it, so I set the position in the barbaric ancient land! And it was not only the War God family who entered the barbaric ancient land, but also all the arrogances of other worlds, and even the barbaric ancient land also had natives, so this battle for the throne can be said to be dangerous.

Not only must be careful of the people of the same race, but also the Tianjiao of other realms, and even the natives of the barbaric ancient land. This battle for the throne is several times more difficult than usual.

Following Xiao Wuqing's explanation, everyone was a little serious, but at this moment, Xiao Yu suddenly said, "There is a problem."

"Elder Xiao Yu, what happened?" Xiao Wuqing asked.

"The other elders just sent a letter saying that a group of unknown beasts appeared on the way to the barbaric ancient land. These beasts blocked the way and they couldn't break through."

"Unknown fierce beast?" Everyone was a little surprised. On every God of War boat, there was an elder who didn't know how long he had lived. They had so much knowledge, how could there be a fierce beast that he didn't know.

"Let's go and see first, there is only one way to go to the barren ancient land. If you detour, not only will it delay time, but it may also be blocked by people from other great realms." Xiao Wuqing said.

Everyone had no objections. The God of War continued to move forward, and soon they met many Shenzhou, and a group of fierce beasts were blocking them.

"I'm going, what is this?" After seeing these fierce beasts, everyone was stunned, because these fierce beasts looked square, like a stone. Although they had no limbs, they had human faces. .

"You are here." At this moment, as soon as the God of War boat came to the front, Emperor Xiao walked out.

"Brother Xiao Huang." Xiao Chen arched his hands, then pointed at the stone monsters: "Brother Xiao Huang knows what these are?"

"I don't know that these things appeared suddenly, not only the defense is amazing, but also the speed is extremely fast, even if we want to bypass, they will suddenly block in front of us, but they do not attack, I don't know why. "Xiao Huang said suspiciously.

Hearing this, Xiao Chen and others looked at these stone monsters in surprise.

"Ding! Found the Origin Orb of Fire!" When Xiao Chen's divine consciousness scanned these monsters, the system suddenly rang.

"Where is the origin bead of fire?" Xiao Chen was taken aback. This place did not feel the heat, how could there be the origin bead of fire.

"Xiao Chen, my teacher feels something is wrong here." At this moment, Mu Yun's voice also rang.

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