Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1666: Alliance!

"Alliance!" Xiao Huang's voice fell, Xiao Wuqing and others looked shocked, even Xiao Chen was full of surprise, he always thought that Xiao Huang and Xiao Hou were here to solicit him.

If it is solicitation, then Emperor Xiao is the master and Xiao Chen is the slave. If it is an alliance, the two are of equal status.

"If Xiao Hou is really bullying him, I can block him for you." Xiao Huang continued.

"What good is this for you?" Xiao Chen asked lightly.

"I am optimistic about your future." Xiao Huang said lightly.

Xiao Chen glanced at Emperor Xiao, then said to Xiao Wuqing: "If you form an alliance, see for yourself."

When the voice fell, Xiao Chen got up and left the hall, leaving only Xiao Wuqing, Xiao Huang, and Li Feixi.

"Can you be the master of this matter?" Xiao Huang frowned and looked at Xiao Wuqing.

"Yes." Xiao Ruqing said lightly, sitting in his seat.

"Your name is Xiao Wuqing?" Li Feifei asked lightly.

"it's me."

"I heard that you have a very close relationship with Murong Xiaoxiao, so did she tell you Xiao Chen's true identity?" Li Feixi asked.

"As expected to be Bai Xiaosheng from Tiandao Mountain Villa, Li Feihu, even I know my relationship with the little lady, but it is a pity that the lady didn't tell me Xiao Chen's true identity?" Xiao Wuqing glanced at Li Feihu. Said in surprise.

"Then what is your purpose?"

"Bring Xiao Chen to the highest position of the God of War family, and then..." Xiao Wuqing smiled.

"Then what..." Li Feifei asked.

"Then... I won't tell you." Xiao Wuqing leaned back and said lightly.

Li Feixi's expression remained unchanged, and then he said, "Since you don't want to say it, then forget it. You two will discuss the matter of alliance."

"It turns out that you are a little Murong, how are you thinking about forming an alliance?" Xiao Huangdao.

"Of course you can form an alliance, but you should know our purpose." Xiao Wuqing said lightly.

"Of course I know, but I have no plans to fight with him, even if I can't fight it." Xiao Huangdao.

"It's good if you understand." Xiao Wuqing said: "In this case, you can go back and announce the alliance with the Four Islands."

Xiao Huang nodded, then walked out with Li Feifei, exchanged a few words with Xiao Chen, and got up and left the four islands.

"You said why Murong Xiaoxiao wanted to help Xiao Chen? She has a deep love for Xiao Ling, and the future Patriarch of the God of War family can only be Xiao Ling." Xiao Huang said in confusion.

"Who knows, but Xiao Ling hasn't appeared for a long time, and I don't know how high his cultivation base is." Li Feifei said.

"Before the retreat, Xiao Ling was already at the peak of the Divine Mighty Realm. Whether it was the blood of the God of War or the blood of the Murong family, they were both the strongest in the history of the two. I am afraid that this time he will be the strongest of the creation gods. He is in his twenties. It’s terrible to think about it."

Xiao Huang said with admiration.

"Recently, there have been a lot of evildoers, not just the human race, other races, and other world evildoers have emerged. Now it has entered a world of great controversy. This time the battle for the throne is definitely much more intense than in previous years. I don’t know who will be the final winner."

Li Feihu lightly shook the folding fan, and said lightly, Xiao Huang was also silent, although he was a powerhouse of the Divine Mighty Realm, he knew that in this battle for the throne, he was nothing but cannon fodder at best.

On the four islands, Xiao Chen looked at Xiao Wuqing and said, "Are you agreeing to form an alliance?"

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