Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1662: The mighty one is coming!

"This is Tianwei, a powerful person in the realm of power?" After feeling the pressure, Xiao Chen frowned slightly, and Xiao Wuqing and others also walked out of the room one after another, looking at a figure that suddenly appeared above the four islands with serious eyes.

"Listen to the people of the four islands, I am Murongqi on Monkey King Island. All the gods and powerful people on the four islands are restricted to kneel down in front of Monkey King Island and apologize within one day. Otherwise, the day when the battle for the throne begins will be your four. When everyone on the island perishes."

Threatening sounds blasted over the four islands, and some of the servant servants of the four islands with low cultivation base were instantly bled by the shock of the seven orifices, which was miserable.

This voice was not only heard by the people on the Four Islands, even if it was heard by several nearby islands, not far from the Four Islands, two figures also heard this voice.

"Xiao Hou is really getting more and more alive. It's really shameful to send a powerful person of the gods to threaten the emperor." The two figures are the Emperor Xiao and Li Feifei, Xiao Huang frowned and said, eyes full of disgust. .

"Xiao Hou is indeed too much, but after the start of the battle for the throne, all the rules will be broken. At that time, only one or two divine powers are needed to kill everyone on the four islands. This is also an indisputable fact." Li Feihui said lightly.

Hearing that, Xiao Huang frowned slightly. Although he disdains to bully the small, it is within the rules of the Divine Majesty Realm to kill the Divine Emperor Realm. If Xiao Hou does not care, he really wants to kill the people on the four islands, no one will. Say what.

"The icing on the cake is far better than giving charcoal in the snow, maybe you go out to help them deal with this matter now, the matter of alliance is much simpler." Li Feixi said with a smile.

Xiao Huang nodded, and when he was about to come forward, suddenly a voice of frustration rang.

"A divinely majestic realm, you dare to bark at my four islands and hurt so many people on my four islands. If you don't give the four islands an explanation today, you would never want to get out of the four islands!"

"This is Xiao Chen's voice? He won't swell, will he? He actually threatened the mighty realm powerhouse, does he think that by surviving under Xiao Jing's hand, he can face the mighty power realm frontally?" Xiao who was just about to take action? The emperor halted and said in astonishment.

Don't talk about him, even Li Feifei was full of consternation, wondering what Xiao Chen wanted to do?

"Are you threatening me?" Murong Qi was also startled, and then looked at Xiao Chen in disbelief.

"Yes, it's threatening you, so what?" Xiao Chen Lingran was not afraid, he was detained in the Heavenly Star Immortal Territory in a big deal, combined with the power of Qinglin and Mu Yun, directly killed him!

"You are the Xiao Chen who survived under Xiao Jing, don't you really think that if you can survive under Xiao Jing, you can threaten the powerhouse of Divine Mighty Realm?" Murong Qi said with a sneer.

"I am not threatening you, but telling the fact that if you don't give an explanation today, I will let you stay in the Four Islands forever!" Xiao Chen said calmly.

"Hahaha, funny, really funny, this is the best joke I've heard, I'm going to see how you left me behind." Murong Qi laughed.

"Laugh at your sister!" Xiao Chen yelled coldly, and the world in his palm patted Murong Qi directly.

Murong Qi was full of disdain, and he faintly stretched out a finger, and then pointed at the palm print. In the next moment, Murong Qi and Xiao Chen suddenly disappeared.

In the Heavenly Star Immortal Territory, somewhere in a no-man's land, Murong Qi looked around in amazement.

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