Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1646: Simply win!

There was a lot of discussion in the audience. The **** emperor is not terrible, but the **** emperor who has the law of ice is much stronger than the ordinary strong.

Xiao Chenghe looked a little ugly and ordered the people behind him to carry the young man down for treatment. He didn't expect the first sentence to be defeated, which made him feel a little angry.

"The second sentence begins!"

"I'll go." Man Xiaoman said, Xiao Chen nodded, and then Man Xiaoman stepped into the ring.

Xiao Chenghe sent a young man again, and Man Xiaoman didn't have any nonsense. His entire right arm turned into a dragon's right arm, and he shot the young man directly.

"Second sentence, Xiao Sihai wins!" The elder black robe announced, and then glanced at the pretty Xiaoman with a little surprise. The dragon is an ancient race that is even stronger."

"The third game begins!"

Xiao Chenghe once again dispatched a peak power of the **** emperor, and Xiao Chen was attacked by Shi Jingtian. Shi Jingtian didn't expose his vision of destruction, but only relied on the cultivation base of the **** emperor to win.

"Xiao Sihai won the third game, and the fourth game begins!"

After three consecutive defeats, Xiao Chenghe's expression was hard to see the extreme, and at this time, Xiao Chen stepped onto the ring.

"He is only the Seventh Emperor of God. This round must be won with an absolute crushing posture, otherwise it will affect the next game." Xiao Chenghe meditated, then his eyes fell on a low and sturdy young man behind him.

"You must use the simplest and most violent way to win this time, you know?" Xiao Chenghe said solemnly.

"Okay!" the low young Weng said, and then jumped to the ring, the whole ring was shaking.

"Divine Emperor Triple, with such a strong physical power, it seems that Xiao Chenghe lost anxiously, and desperately wants to win the next round and stabilize the army."

Seeing this scene in the field, many people have guessed Xiao Chenghe's intentions.

"Our son asked me to use the simplest and most violent means to defeat you, so you are careful." The low young man said with urgency.

The voice of the low young man fell, and the roar of a beast suddenly came out from his throat, and then the whole person suddenly transformed into a huge chimpanzee, his palms were constantly flapping on the ring, and the violent aura continued to be emitted.

"Interesting!" Xiao Chen looked at the chimpanzee in front of him, with a smile flashing in his eyes, and then used the seventy-two changes that he had never used before. The next moment, Xiao Chen turned into a huge white ape and rushed directly at the chimpanzee. .

As a result, a chimpanzee and a white ape on the ring continued to collide, and the violent and fierce aura continued to radiate from the ring.

Many people were a little stunned to see this scene, but Xiao Chenghe's eyes were a little startled, puzzled and shocked. He knew the most about the power of the young man who turned into a chimpanzee.

But what he didn't expect was that the **** emperor kid also had such a strong power, and he even suppressed the chimpanzee, which he never expected.

Boom boom boom!

The two of them didn't know how many punches they made, but with a bang, a figure flew out directly, hitting the formation, everyone looked at it, and it was the chimpanzee who flew out.

Xiao Chen regained his real body, looked at the chimpanzee who had regained his real body, and said lightly: "If you want to defeat me with violence, you are almost too, boy, come on."

When the voice fell, Xiao Chen had already returned, and Xiao Chenghe's expression could no longer be described as gloomy when he saw this scene.

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