Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1643: Initiate the war child challenge!

"Isn't this kid Xiao Chenghe breaking through the divine emperor, so he came to choose a new island, I don't know why Elder Xiao Yu came here?" Wang Xiao said, there was a trace of pride in his eyes.

"Oh, it turns out that Xiao Chenghe broke through the **** emperor. It's really gratifying." Xiao Yu congratulated him, and then changed his voice, "but Young Master Xiao Sihai also broke through to the **** emperor. This island is already owned by Young Master Xiao Sihai. You are still looking for another place to live."

"Xiao Sihai?" Xiao Wang was taken aback. He didn't remember that there were young talents who broke through the Divine Emperor Realm recently. Could it be that they returned from going out to experience?

"Xiao Sihai, it turns out that he was a defeated general at the time. I didn't expect that you would be able to break through the Divine Emperor Realm even if you were practicing outside." At this time, Xiao Chenghe had already seen Xiao Sihai behind him, and said disdainfully.

Xiao Sihai walked out and looked at Xiao Chenghe faintly: "I have taken a fancy to this island. You are still looking for another residence."

"That's not good. I also like this island. Why don't you go find another residence." Xiao Chenghe said lightly, with mockery in his voice.

As the saying goes, people fight for the Buddha and receive an incense stick. Although there are many islands, if you give in here, you will definitely look down on everyone.

"Since we have all taken a fancy to this island, we can solve it with the solution between warriors." Xiao Sihai didn't pay attention to the ridicule in Xiao Chenghe's words, but said lightly.

"Are you going to challenge me?" Xiao Chenghe said in surprise: "You won't forget how you were defeated by me, like a bereaved dog and escaped from the kingdom of God of War."

Xiao Chenghe's words fell, and many young people behind him made mocking sounds. Xiao Sihai's eyes flashed with killing intent, but since he followed Xiao Chen, he deeply felt that the slobber was just a trail, and it was only useful The strength to fight face is the real way.

Xiao Sihai took a deep breath and then said loudly: "God Emperor Realm Xiao Sihai challenged Xiao Chenghe to the Divine Emperor Realm. Please agree with the elders of the God of War arena."

Xiao Sihai's voice resounded, and in an instant, countless strong men heard this voice.

"You actually dared to challenge me to a war boy. It seems that you are really healed and the scar is forgotten to hurt." Xiao Chenghe said in a bit of surprise, he didn't believe he would lose to Xiao Sihai.

And shortly after Xiao Sihai's voice fell, a figure of a black-robed elder suddenly appeared above their heads, and their sharp eyes swept across Xiao Sihai, and then asked seriously: "Xiao Sihai, do you want to challenge him?"

"Yes!" Xiao Sihai stepped out and said seriously.

"Xiao Chenghe, do you accept the challenge? If you don't accept the challenge, just hand over 300,000 **** crystals." The black robe elder said seriously. Although the same realm must accept the challenge, he can also spend a certain amount of **** crystal to refuse this challenge. , And will not be challenged for a short time.

However, Shenjing is small and face is great. If he refuses to accept the challenge, I am afraid that this news will spread throughout the kingdom of the **** of war in the form of a hurricane, and not only himself, but even the relatives of the **** queen will be laughed at.

"I, Xiao Chenghe, accept the challenge!" Xiao Chenghe said, and then with a flick of his finger, a storage ring fell in the hands of the black robe elder. Similarly, Xiao Sihai also popped a storage ring and was picked up by the black robe elder.

The black robe elder swept away his consciousness, nodded, and then waved his big hand, and a huge ring appeared out of thin air. There were many steps around, and countless figures fell on the steps and walked towards the ring.

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