Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1641: The beautiful kingdom of God of War!

"Who is the warrior who participated in the battle for the throne?" the guard asked indifferently.

"It's me, Xiao Wuqing!" Xiao Wuqing said, and then the four bloodlines showed their supernatural powers.

The guard nodded faintly, then looked at Xiao Chen and others, "Are they all your helpers?"

"Yes." Xiao Wuqing nodded.

"Know the rules, too."

"Cultivation must not exceed a hundred years, otherwise you will be killed by the formation of the God of War before entering the kingdom of the God of War!" Xiao Wuqing nodded and said lightly.

"Open the door!" The guard waved, and then another guard waved, and the door slowly opened, revealing a light door, like the entrance to another world.

"Go in." The guard stood aside faintly.

"Thank you." Xiao Wuqing arched his hands, and then led everyone into the Light Gate. Everyone only felt a whirlwind. When they reacted, everyone found themselves and others appearing in a huge square, which was full of people.

Xiao Chen and the others looked around in shock. Except for the huge square at their feet, they saw that there were many islands floating around, like bright stars dotted in the starry sky. They looked not only very beautiful, but also very magnificent.

"It's so beautiful, is this the Kingdom of the God of War?" Everyone looked at the bad environment around them, shocked, even Xiao Chen.

"Someone is here again, don't know which branch it is?"

"It looks like there are many people."

"That's Xiao Sihai, and Xiao Wuqing." There is a loft in the square. There are a few elders wearing white robes with war sons carved on their chests. One of them said in surprise.

"Xiao Yu, they are in your line, you go and arrange them." An elder who looked very coercive said lightly.

"Yes, Great Elder!" Then one of the elders walked out and said, then walked out of the attic and walked towards Xiao Wuqing and the others.

"Elder Xiao Yu!" Xiao Wuqing arched his hands while watching Xiao Yu walking over.

"Miss Ruthless, Young Master Sihai!" Xiao Yu nodded lightly, and then said: "Miss, Young Master, I wonder if you two are going to your previous residence."

"Take us to the second-class island." Xiao Sihai said, and then he exuded the aura of the Divine Emperor.

Xiao Yu was taken aback, his eyes flashed brightly, "Congratulations, Master Sihai for breaking through the Divine Emperor Realm, I will take the young lady to find a second-class island."

When the voice fell, Xiao Yu raised his hand, and a God of War boat appeared. Everyone came to the God of War boat and began to shuttle through the island.

On the God of War boat, Xiao Sihai said in a voice transmission: "My son, the kingdom of the God of War is said to be the inner world of the founder of the God of War family. The entire kingdom of the God of War is larger than the Sea of ​​Chaos. There are countless islands like this in the kingdom of the God of War."

"The island's aura is amazing, and it has the laws of heaven. According to the laws of heaven and the strength of the aura, all islands are roughly divided into five levels."

"The fourth class is the weakest, usually inhabited by the strong below the emperor."

"The third class is the second. Generally, they are inhabited by the emperor, and every family member of the emperor can live on the island. Anyone can apply to the clan as long as they break through the emperor realm. Pick an island of your own, and of course you can also **** other people’s islands by means of warriors."

"In the inner world, it's no wonder that entering the light gate seems to have entered other worlds. This is the inner world of the strong **** of good fortune. With such a large inner world, the strength of the founder of the War God family must be unmatched."

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