Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1628: Beheaded!

"One!" At this moment, Xiao Chen's indifferent voice had already fallen, and Xiao Sihai was taken aback, then looked at Xiao Chen: "Has the young master acted?"

"Young Master?" The girl was taken aback for a moment, "No, my idol actually recognized the young man in front of him as the Young Master?"

"What on earth does this young man have?" The girl looked at Xiao Chen, her eyes full of curiosity.

"It seems that you don't want to leave anymore. If so, you should all die here." Xiao Chen said indifferently, and then throwing Ling Tian in his hand, it turned into a huge net, covering all the neighborhood in it!

"Continuously hold the sword in the palm!" Xiao Chen said indifferently, and hundreds of golden dragons roared out, bursting into the crowd instantly.

"Boy, you really dare to do it and die for me!" A strong **** emperor appeared behind Xiao Chen, and hit Xiao Chen's head with a powerful punch, but the next moment, Xiao Chen's figure suddenly appeared here. Behind the strong.

"Evil Demon Burst Fist!" A chill sounded like Jiuyou, and then Xiao Chen's punch hit the head of the strong **** emperor, instantly a watermelon shattered.

"Gravity knife!" The law of gravity suddenly appeared, and all the strong felt their bodies sink.

"Thousands of spiders and poisonous palms!" The law of poison was shot out, instantly paralyzing it.

"No, it turned out to be the law of poison, go back!"

"It's late, Ice Age!" The law of ice swept out, and all the strong in the spider web were instantly frozen and immovable.

"Blast!" At this moment, another voice sounded, and the Tai Chi ball exploded, and there was a shocking explosion in the big net!

On the God of War boat, the young girl and Deng Gaozhuo were stunned.

"The power of the four laws, in a short period of time, he has continuously used the power of the four laws, how did he do it?" Deng Gaozhuo said in shock.

"Also, how much supernatural power does he have to display so much power of law?"

No one answered his words, even An Yanran was a little shocked at this time.

After the explosion, there were only a few dozen figures in the spider web, most of them were **** emperors, only a few **** emperors peaked, and the rest were corpses.

"It seems that we have encountered a hard stubble." A **** emperor expert said solemnly.

The rest of the people stared at Xiao Chen dignifiedly, and at this moment Xiao Chen had already moved. He raised his hand and took a photo. Following his palm, a giant palm was directly directed at several people. The faces of several people changed slightly, and it was too late to dodge.

The giant palm photographed, there was no earth-shaking noise, but a few people disappeared together with the giant palm.

"What's going on? People?" the others asked with a puzzled look.

In the Heavenly Stars Immortal Territory, somewhere in a deserted place, a few more figures suddenly appeared, and they all looked around with a confused expression.

"Where is this?"

"Welcome to my inner world!" At this moment, a phantom appeared in the sky, it was Xiao Chen.

"Inner world?" All of them looked confused. They naturally knew the inner world, but how could a strong God Emperor have an inner world.

"Now I will send you to see King Yan!" Xiao Chen was also lazy nonsense, forming a thundercloud above their heads, and the thunder power directly smashed them down.

"The world in the palm is really convenient." The world in the palm is very simple. It is to directly pull the enemy into the inner world, and then use the power of Qinglin to kill the enemy. Of course, it depends on the target. If it is a powerful person such as the creation god, no When you suppress the opponent, you will be broken into the inner world by the opponent.

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