Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1620: Golden Origin Pearl!

"Now is not the time to officially meet with Bloodthirsty, let's withdraw first." Xiao Chen said solemnly.

"Okay." Yang Yan nodded, but when they were about to leave, suddenly a blast of air broke, and then heard a loud noise, a huge pit suddenly appeared not far in front of Xiao Chen, raising dust in the sky.

"A person?" Xiao Chen and the others were startled, and then their sense of consciousness swept across. There was a person in the giant pit, and he was also a person Xiao Chen was very familiar with. It was Xiao Chen's senior, bloodthirsty.

It's just that in the perception of Xiao Chen's spiritual consciousness, the bloodthirsty aura was very unstable, as if just after a great battle, Xiao Chen found out that all the little bloodthirsty bees were flying towards the bloodthirsty. When they came in front of him, All disappeared out of thin air, and the bloodthirsty breath continued to rise.

After the dust passed, the bloodthirsty appeared in front of everyone in embarrassment, and at this time, many more figures appeared not far away, all staring at the bloodthirsty.

Among them, a group of people is the most conspicuous. The leader is a woman wearing golden armor, with golden hair dancing in the wind, and a beautiful face full of indifference.

And there were seven people behind the woman, each of them exuding a strong aura, and they looked at bloodthirsty indifferently.

"Bloodthirsty, hand over that thing, that is not something you can own." The golden armor woman said coldly.

"Hahaha, since it is in my hands, there is no reason to hand it over. If there is a kind of thing, you will kill me directly and **** it away." Bloodthirsty sneered.

"Bloodthirsty, you really don't repent. At the beginning, this seat gave you a way of life, but you did not expect you to break into the gold extinction Jedi. After obtaining the treasure, you will make such a murder again. Today, this seat will not forgive you." A woman said indifferently.

"Fighting madman, don't talk nonsense, didn't you just fancy this treasure in my hand, come and take it if you have it." A bead appeared in the bloodthirsty hand, and the bead did not have any magical breath. Just a golden bead.

"Gold Origin Pearl!" The system's indifferent voice suddenly sounded.

"What, this bead in front of you is the Golden Origin Orb. Didn't you say that several Origin Orbs have the same power? Why can bloodthirsty get it?" Xiao Chen asked in shock, seeing the Golden Origin Orb. Xiao Chen inexplicably thought of the terrible scene of seeing the Earth's Origin Pearl in his memory.

"The host can be regarded as the origin of gold pearl is sleeping, when it wakes up, it will be a catastrophe, and the whole continent will turn into dust."

"You said you have a way to deal with the Origin Pearl, what should you do now?" Xiao Chen asked.

"As long as the host takes the Golden Origin Orb, the system can naturally suppress it." The system said indifferently.

"I see." Xiao Chen said, and then stared at the golden armor woman and bloodthirsty.

"Bloodthirsty, give us that bead, depending on our relationship, we can save your life." At this moment, a female voice rang, and then a group of people fell, headed by a man and a woman. , Men are handsome and women are beautiful.

"Su Die, you don't want to be a good person. If you want this bead in my hand, come and get it." Bloodthirsty didn't appreciate it, and snorted coldly.

Xiao Chen who was not far away was startled, "Su Die, this name is a bit familiar, by the way, isn't this my cheap senior sister?"

Mu Yun once accepted two disciples, a bee and a butterfly. The bee is bloodthirsty, and the butterfly's name is Su Die.

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