Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1618: Ask for directions!

To Xiao Chen and the others, killing the two little mice was just a matter to solve at will, and the God of War quickly came to a continent.

"It's a chaotic sea of ​​stars. It's really messy." When they came to Dazhou, Xiao Chen and the others felt chaotic. Fighting was everywhere, and even the dead body that had just died at any time, dripping with blood.

All the walking powerhouses saw this scene unchanged, as if they had become accustomed to them, and their faces were full of indifference.

And when Xiao Chen and the others were observing the surroundings, they didn't know that they had already been spotted, and when many people behind them looked at the God of War boat, they had sinister smiles in their eyes.

"Xiao Chen, I don't know anything about the Sea of ​​Chaos. I don't know what powers or strong ones are. It's better for us to leave as soon as possible," Xiao Wuqing said.

"Yes, even if I'm far away from Demon Cult, I have heard the legend of Luan Xinghai. There is no reason to kill people. Moreover, the overlord of Luan Xinghai, the fighting demon is not weaker than my master. If we can pass through the chaos safely Xinghai, everything will be fine." Deng Gaozhuo also said.

"Deng Gaozhuo, do you know why your cultivation is not as good as An Yanran and Shenyu?" Deng Gaozhuo's words fell, and Xiao Chen asked.

Deng Gaozhuo was taken aback.

"Because you lack the heart to advance bravely, the journey of cultivation is a dangerous thing. There is so much safety. If you want to be safe in everything, you don't need to practice."

Xiao Chen continued: "We don't cause trouble, but we are absolutely not afraid of trouble. If people don't offend me, I don't offend people. If people offend me, they will pay a hundredfold. This is the mentality that a cultivator should have."

"That's what your master told you to follow us. Think about it. Also, there are some things that can't be safe if you want to be safe, such as in front of you."

As Xiao Chen's voice fell, hundreds of people suddenly appeared around him, surrounding Xiao Chen and others.

"Of the God of War family, hey, every time you take the throne, the old man can kill a few war children of the God of War family. I feel happy when I think about it!" A hoarse and old voice sounded, together with a **** Emperor. Wei's black robe man appeared in front of everyone.

"Back then, our family was destroyed by the main line disciples of the God of War family. You can't kill the main line disciples, you can kill some branch line disciples, and you can also relieve the hatred in your heart!" Another voice full of resentment sounded, and then the breath of the **** emperor realm gushed. Out.

"Hey, you are lucky, and you will become the tenth warrior who died this month in the hands of this seat!" A strong voice sounded, and another **** Emperor realm powerhouse appeared.

As the voice continued to sound and the aura continued to explode, there were even more than a dozen powerhouses in the Divine Emperor Realm among the hundred people.

Those strong men who followed the Shenzhou of War, seeing this scene, a look of excitement appeared in their indifferent eyes, and they really did.

"This..." Deng Gaozhuo was a little dumbfounded. He just said that he would pass safely, and he was besieged in a blink of an eye. Isn't this a slap in the face?

But An Yanran, Xiao Sihai, Yang Yan and the others were full of excitement. They didn't fight the battle just now. They didn't expect that it hadn't been long before they came to the door.

"What do you guys want to do when you surround us? Asking for directions? I'm sorry, we also just came to Chaos Xinghai, and we are not familiar with it." Xiao Sihai looked at the powerful people around and said flatly.

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