Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1616: Chaos Xinghai!

The God of War boat pierced the starry sky and kept heading towards the Kingdom of God of War. On the way, he passed many continents and met many strong men and even many God of War boats.

"After the sea of ​​chaos, it only takes three days to reach the kingdom of the **** of war." Xiao Wuqing said, pointing to a map.

"Lan Xinghai!" Hearing this name, An Yanran, Deng Gaozhuo, Shen Yu and others looked over in an instant, obviously they are familiar with Luan Xinghai.

"Lunxinghai, we finally arrived at Luanxinghai." An Yanran said with some excitement.

"I said violent woman, why are you so excited, this chaotic sea of ​​stars is extremely dangerous!" Shen Yu coldly snorted.

"You all know Luan Xinghai?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Lan Xinghai is a very famous place in the God Realm, and its reputation is not inferior to that of the God of War Realm." Xiao Wuqing said: "It is said that in this place, all the continents are surrounded like a chessboard, and all the continents are scattered randomly on the board. That’s why the name is Luan Xinghai."

"The biggest feature of Luan Xinghai is chaos, a mixture of fish and dragons, and the chaos of various forces, and most of them are the big villains who have offended the big forces and came here to escape. Therefore, in Luan Xinghai, any identity is useless, only strength is the king. ."

Xiao Wuqing said solemnly: "And passing through the Sea of ​​Chaotic Stars safely is also a test for the warriors of the God of War family. If even the Sea of ​​Chasing Stars cannot pass, there is no need to participate in the next battle to seize the throne."

"People who dare to offend the big powers seem to be cruel and powerful people. It's interesting. Maybe after passing through the sea of ​​chaos, the strength can go further." Hearing Xiao Wuqing's explanation, Xiao Chen felt a little excited in his heart. .

"It's best not to cause trouble if you enter the Chaotic Sea of ​​Stars, we just go through it as soon as possible." This is Deng Gaozhuo's a little solemn said. Hearing his words, Xiao Chen felt a little disdainful in his heart, Xia Ruoxi's apprentice was still too weak.

Others didn't take Deng Gaozhuo's words to heart, especially An Yanran, Deng Gaozhuo smiled bitterly with the excitement on her face.

God of War continued to move forward, and soon came within the range of the Sea of ​​Chaos. Just like the Sea of ​​Chaos, you can see countless star points that emit light. That is the continents of the Sea of ​​Chaos. It seems to overlook a star map, full of magic. .

However, such a magical scene was destroyed by the sound of fighting not far away. At this time, two people were fighting. It can be seen that neither of them are humans, and they have powerful physical bodies, which are completely close combat.

The two sides were not weak in the battle. When the God of War appeared, they discovered it, and then immediately stopped fighting. In the blink of an eye, the two forces surrounded the God of War.

"The God of War family, it seems that they are going to the God of War kingdom to participate in the battle for the throne, and there are several big beauties. It seems that we have met the big fish today." A strong **** emperor who looks like a human but is full of hair, Said with some excitement.

"Hey, it's great. The people on the boat will listen to the emperor, leaving resources and women, and the emperor will let you pass, otherwise the emperor will not care if you belong to the War God family, this is your burial place." Another A long mouse-like **** emperor, looking at several women, his face was full of wretchedness.

"Er Di Niang, these two wretched mice again pretended to fight to attract the curiosity of others, and then robbed those who came to watch the battle. Fortunately, I ran slowly and escaped!"

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