Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1605: Siege the boss!

And when he came to the starry sky spider, Man Xiaoman suddenly became a giant dinosaur, which was the dragon body, very similar to a dinosaur.

After restoring the dragon body, Man Xiaoman was no less tall than the Starry Sky Spider. Two hands directly pressed the Starry Sky Spider. At this moment, Shi Jingtian had reached the top of Man Xiaoman's head, and his eyebrows suddenly opened. Cut an eye.

The next moment, a destructive power came out from that eye, and the starry sky spider felt a terrifying crisis and wanted to escape, but was held down by the very little man. The next moment, the Destroying Eye was launched directly, together A strong beam of light illuminates the entire starry sky.

"Roar!" The Starry Sky Spider let out a roar that resounded through the starry sky, and the powerful force directly lifted the Man Xiaoman away, and everyone else looked at the huge hole that the Starry Sky Spider had been punched through with shocked faces.

The starry sky spider in the realm of God and Might, and the scales on its body are very hard, the Destruction Eye can penetrate a hole, enough to see its horror.

"Sect Master, with my current strength, Destroying Magic Eye cannot be used in a short time." At this moment, Xiao Chen heard Shi Jingtian's transmission.

Xiao Chen nodded, then looked at An Yanran and the others, and said loudly: "What do you look at, kill!"

After the words fell, the sword in the palm of the hand had been shot continuously, and hundreds of golden dragons had all entered through the wounds caused by the destruction of the magic eye, and the damage was also very significant.

Hearing Xiao Chen's voice, everyone finally reacted, and then one after another silhouettes rushed towards the wound, launching all kinds of fierce attacks.

The starry sky spider roared again and again, and suddenly numerous small spiders emerged from its wounds. After these small spiders appeared, they immediately sprayed out a poisonous mist.

"I'm a good boy, and I can still play like this." Xiao Chen was also shocked when he saw these little spiders, because when the poisonous mist was sprayed out, the wounds of the starry sky spiders actually recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Yangyan, burn those poisonous fog!" Xiao Chen hurriedly shouted.

"Understand the son!" Yang Yan instantly turned into a golden crow, and after the intense golden crow's fire emanated, he immediately rushed into the poisonous mist.

Seeing this, Xiao Chen also rushed into another piece of poisonous fog, the law of poison was operating, the hand of the gods and deserts was operating, and the poisonous mist sprayed by the little spiders was absorbed by Xiao Chen.

The entire starry sky is full of the roar of starry spiders. Not far away, there is a starry sky, and there is no problem at all. If a super power passes by, you will find that the starry sky is covered by an invisible water curtain. Shrouded.

There were a large number of Sea Clan in the water curtain, and Zhuo Xueshan and Elder Bei were standing in front, looking bitterly at the battle between Starry Sky Spider and Xiao Chen and others.

"It seems that it is very difficult for them to die in an accident only by relying on the starry sky spiders," said Xueshan coldly.

The eyes of Elder North flashed gloomy, "I didn't expect that they would have so many **** emperors and powerful, and they are all extraordinary. Even the starry spiders of the gods are beaten like this. If the old man's cultivation is still there, the old man will only use one hand. You can pinch them to death."

Hearing this, Zhu Xueshan's eyes flashed with disdain, if it weren't for seeing the others in the North family still have some strength, he would be lazy to talk to the North Elder.

"The starry sky spider won't last long, prepare to let your people take action." Zhu Xueshan said.

"Are you sure they will not be discovered by Deng Gaozhuo?" Elder Bei looked over.

"Don't worry, there is a special race in my sea clan, whose saliva can hide any breath and won't be discovered by him." Zhu Xueshan said lightly.

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