Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1603: Starry sky spider!

"I heard that Aunt Xia and the Flame Queen of the Flame God Sect often fight, and the relationship is extremely bad, is it true?"

"Water and fire are incompatible since ancient times. My master practiced the law of water, while the Queen of Flames practiced the law of fire. It would be weird if they can get along with each other peacefully." Deng Gaozhuo nodded and said.

"The Flame God Cult is another king-level force." Xiao Chen was shocked when he heard the conversation between the two, and then looked at Shen Yu next to him and asked: "Shen Yu, what exactly is the agreement by the Daming Lake you are talking about? ?"

"It doesn't seem to matter to you, right?" Shen Yu glanced at Xiao Chen and said lightly.

Xiao Chen was startled, but he was not angry. For such a long time, Xiao Chen knew that Chang Qianqian's disciple was very proud. Only when facing An Yanran would he be crushed to death.

"I'm just curious." Xiao Chen said with a smile.

"It's okay to tell you, my master, the violent female master, and the little fat master are acquaintances, and the relationship is very good. The three of us were accepted as apprentices by the master at the same time. At that time, we were often together. Then the three masters It is agreed that when we reach adulthood, let us play a match among the three to see whose apprentice is stronger."

Shenyu said lightly, and there was still a trace of nostalgia in his eyes, "The place where we lived was called Daming Lake, so we made an agreement on the shore of Daming Lake. This year we have grown up, and three of us will complete the agreement on the shore of Daming Lake in three years. day!"

"Are you the only three?" Xiao Chen asked.

Shenyu nodded.

"Why are there only three of them? Don't they know where the others are?" Xiao Chen fell into deep thought when she heard Shen Yu's words.

At this moment, the God of War boat shook suddenly, and then everyone discovered that the God of War boat had hit a huge spider web and was firmly stuck by the spider web.

"What is this?" Everyone looked at the huge spider web with surprise.

"If I'm not mistaken, this is a kind of starry sky spider that walks in the starry sky. The starry sky spider is extremely difficult. It not only has amazing defense skin, but also its spider silk is extremely tough, and ordinary power can't cut these. Spider silk."

Deng Gaozhuo said, his face was solemn.

As his voice fell, a huge poisonous spider appeared on the spider web suddenly, and when he blinked, there were no fewer than a hundred spiders.

These spiders are all black, with their two green eyes staring wide, and all of them have black scales, giving off a chilling light.

"Furthermore, the starry sky spiders are social creatures. They are extremely difficult creatures in the starry sky. Even if they meet the mighty and powerful, they will avoid fighting.

"You're too late, we are already surrounded." An Yanran said, at this time the spider web was full of starry spiders, and the God of War boat was surrounded.

"I have long heard that the starry sky is the most dangerous place, and it is true." Deng Gaozhuo said.

"Why do you say so much, do it quickly, or they will eat it raw in a while." An Yanran finished speaking and rushed out.

Deng Gaozhuo, Shen Yu saw this and rushed out with a glance at each other.

Afterwards, Xiao Sihai, Yang Yan, and various changes, rushed towards the starry sky spiders.

Xiao Sihai was directly demonized, and he hit the nearest starry sky spider.

The fire of the sun-flaming golden crow illuminates half of the starry sky, and the ever-changing follow behind them, countless petals are like sharp weapons, tearing the starry sky spiders.

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