Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1601: Daming Lake!

"The evil demon army is a personal soldier of this seat, you are not qualified to order them, this is the first sin; Deng Gaozhuo is a direct disciple of this seat, you are trying to oppress him with coercion, this is the second sin; This is the third sin!"

Xia Ruoxi's indifferent voice fell, and then everyone was shocked to find that the aura of the North Elder began to weaken, divine might, divine emperor, divine emperor, divine king.

In the blink of an eye, Elder North fell from the Divine Might Realm to the Divine King Realm.

"Is this the method of the Creation God powerhouse?" All the powerhouses were shocked, the power of the gods might not have a trace of resistance.

With this method, the strong men behind Elder North were all sweaty, for fear that they would follow in the footsteps of Elder North.

The evil demon army looked at Xia Ruoxi in the sky, full of admiration, especially when Xia Ruoxi put them first, making them more grateful.

Xia Ruoxi didn't pay attention to Elder North, but looked at An Yanran and Shenyu, and said lightly: "Girl Yanran, Shenyu boy, how come you two little guys come to me to damage the Demon Cult."

"I have seen Aunt Xia!" Shen Yu said respectfully.

"Aunt Xia, haven't seen me for so long, Aunt Xia is still so beautiful, but I came here all the way to see Aunt Xia." An Yanran was not as respectful as Shen Yu, but said with a smile.

"Tang Yanran has accepted a good apprentice who can speak well, has the courage and knowledge, is talented, and has a strong cultivation base. Compared to my apprentice, it seems that three years later, by the Daming Lake, the disciple will be Your master is on top." Xia Ruoxi smiled.

Hearing Xia Ruoxi's voice, Xiao Chen's expression was shocked, "Tang Yanran, she is indeed in the **** realm, An Yanran's master, which means that Tang Yanran is the lord of the ghost prison, which means that Tang Yanran is also a master of creation. , I feel very stressed!"

"And what about the so-called Daming Lake?"

"Aunt Xia would be embarrassed to say that." An Yanran said shyly, but the pride on her face was not reduced at all, there was no embarrassment.

Xia Ruoxi smiled, then looked at Shenyu, and said, "Is your master Chang Qianqian well?"

"Master is all well, thank you Aunt Xia for your concern." Shenyu said respectfully.

Xiao Chen's expression was shocked again. He had known that Shen Yu was a disciple of the Lord of the Kingdom of Storms. He turned out to be a disciple of Chang Qianqian. In other words, Chang Qianqian was the Lord of the Kingdom of Storms and was also the God of Creation.

Xiao Chen can no longer be said to be under great pressure, but a few big mountains are pressing on him, and he has a feeling that Xia Ruoxi told him on purpose.

Xia Ruoxi and An Yanran took care of the routine, and everyone else listened quietly. When Xia Ruoxi heard that An Yanran was actually trying to assassinate Xiao Chen, an inexplicable smile flashed in her eyes.

When An Yanran said that she had to kill Xiao Chen in front of two **** emperors, Xia Ruoxi was even more dumbfounded, making people feel like a spring breeze, but only An Yanran and Xiao Chen in the field saw this scene.

"You are going to the Kingdom of the God of War. This is a good choice. The battle of the God of War family is not easy, so let's take Gao Zhuo with you and experience it together."

Xia Ruoxi said, then looked at Deng Gaozhuo and said, "You will accompany them on a trip, and get a good experience."

"Yes, Master."

"Also, your wife has appointed Ao Peishan, and I will personally accept her as a disciple and teach her."

"Thank you, Master."

Xia Ruoxi nodded, glanced at Xiao Chen without leaving a trace, and disappeared.

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