Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1595: Demon Army!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

As a few broken voices fell, a group of people had already fallen. The leader was a middle-aged man with a fierce face. Next to him was a young and arrogant young man who looked extremely young, and the few people behind the middle-aged He had a cold face and a strong suffocation exuding his body. At first glance, he knew that he had walked out of the sea of ​​blood on the mountain.

"Who is you waiting for, dare to make trouble at the ceremony of Young Master Gao Zhuo's invitation to marry, when our Demon Sect Demon Army does not exist?" The middle-aged man's voice was cold, and there was a strong killing intent in his words.

After hearing the evil demon army, all the powerful nearby took a breath, and Xiao Chen and Toad in the center felt a strong chill descending on them, and they couldn't help feeling tight.

"Divine emperor strong?" Xiao Chen glanced at the middle-aged man, feeling a little shocked in his heart. These people seemed to be the guards of Losing Demon City. Using God Emperor strong as guards, how strong is this Losing Demon Cult.

"Huh? This should be the mermaid princess of the sea clan making Xueshan." At this moment, the young man next to the middle-aged man saw the princess mermaid and said with some surprise.

"The little girl is Zhu Xueshan, I don't know who this son is?" Zhu Xueshan saluted slightly. At this time, she no longer had the coldness she had before, but was full of softness.

"Under the demon teaching Bei Zhihang, I didn't expect to see the mermaid princess at such a close distance. It is really fortunate for Sansheng." Bei Zhihang is handsome, but in that eye, there is a trace of filthy color and strong possessiveness. .

"It turns out to be the son of Bei Zhihang, the little girl is polite." A shock flashed in her eyes, and she had clearly guessed the identity of Bei Zhihang.

"Princess Xueshan, can you tell me what happened here?" Bei Zhihang glanced over Xiao Chen and Toad. He could naturally see that Toad was a member of the Sea Clan, frowned slightly, and then asked.

"Actually it's not a big deal. It's just that my guard is used to being arrogant in the Sea Clan. I have had a little conflict with these people. I have already apologized to several people, but these people are reluctant. As a result, my guard can't see it and fight with the opponent, but my guard is not good at cultivation, and it ends up like this."

Zhu Xueshan whispered, her face was weak, and her voice was full of pity. As her voice fell, everyone seemed to see a series of things that happened between the petite woman, the loyal guard and the bully.

Xiao Chen and others looked at Zhuo Xueshan coldly, but they didn't expect the other party to cry out injustice.

"You are so courageous, Miss Xueshan apologized to you, you even dared to fight, so you don't put the Demon Sect in your eyes, Dongjun, take them for me!"

Bei Zhihang didn't have any nonsense at all, pointing to Xiao Chen and others, and said coldly.

"You just listened to her one-sided words and just started to grab us, it would be a bit arbitrary." Xiao Chen said in a cold voice.

"What nonsense, will Miss Xueshan wrong you not? Dong Jun, do it!" Bei Zhihang said coldly, then turned to look at Zhu Xueshan, already smiling: "Miss Xueshan, let's go. There is a restaurant not far away. I will take you to taste the human cuisine."

"Thank you Young Master Zhihang!" Zhu Xueshan smiled slightly, like a spring breeze, which made Bei Zhihang's breathing worse.

Everyone's expressions were slightly cold. Obviously Bei Zhihang was already determined to arrest them. No matter who was right or wrong, it was none of his business. He only had to please Xueshan.

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