Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1590: System promotion task!

"It seems that this is a bloodline supernatural power tailored for Shi Jingtian. Shi Jingtian, who has the eye of destruction, doesn't know how far he will grow."

Xiao Chen murmured, and then with a move of thought, he came to the Kaleidoscope column in the Kengyuan Value Mall. All kinds of bloodlines and bloodline magical powers came into view. But unfortunately, the price is very expensive, and the least are hundreds of millions of Kengyuan. value.

"System, how much do I still owe?" Xiao Chen contacted the system.

"One hundred billion pit margin value."

"One hundred billion, is there still so much?" Xiao Chen asked in shock. "

"Now there is a system promotion task. If the host can complete the system promotion task, not only will the arrears be cancelled, but the system will open more powerful functions. Will the host accept the promotion task?"

"System promotion task? Can you still be promoted?" Xiao Chen asked in surprise.

"Naturally, after the system completes the promotion task, more functions can be opened. For the host, it will also get more benefits. Does the host accept the task?"

"Can you not accept it?" Xiao Chen joked.

"Yes, if the host does not accept the system promotion task, the system will not be promoted, and the host cannot be promoted to a higher level." The system replied indifferently.

"It seems that you have taken me down." Xiao Chen said silently.

"The system and the host are complementary to each other. When you complete the system promotion task, you are also helping you."

"Okay, I know, what is the promotion task of the system?"

"The promotion task has been sent, please check it by yourself." Xiao Chen was taken aback for a moment, and then began to check the property panel.

"Please find the source of the gods' gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, light, darkness, and ice."

"Essence, what is this?" Xiao Chen asked, while secretly guessing whether it was related to the original power of the **** of good fortune.

"This is the core of all the origins that make up the God Realm." The system simply said.

"What you said is too vague, how do you want me to find it?" Xiao Chen said.

The system was silent, but at this moment, Xiao Chen found that his pitfall value had returned to zero.

"How is this going?"

"The host has accepted the task, and the system will not deduct the host's pit margin value."

Xiao Chen was speechless. It seemed that the system wouldn't talk too much about this task, and could only rely on himself.

Later, Xiao Chen found Shi Jingtian again, and Shi Jingtian soon announced his surrender. Then Xiao Chen handed the Destruction Eye to Shi Jingtian, and Shi Jingtian began to absorb and refine.


A few days later, everyone appeared on the Warshenzhou again, but this time there were a few more people, Xiao Wuqing, Xiao Chen, Yang Yan, Variety, Man Xiaoman, An Yanran, Shen Yu, Shi Jingtian, and Xiao In the four seas, with the exception of Xiao Chen and Xiao Wuqing, all the others are already strong **** emperors, and such a powerful lineup is enough to sweep everything.

However, it is worth mentioning that since Xiao Sihai realized the benefits of the world of war spirits, he directly approached Xiao Wuhai. Under his persuasion, Xiao Wuhai, the humpbacked **** emperor, and people with the blood of the **** of war all joined. Xiao Jiajun.

With the addition of these people, the Xiao Family Army's strength has also improved by leaps and bounds.

Xiao Chen was full of joy. There were more powerful gods like Xiao Sihai and Shi Jingtian around him, and Xiao Jiajun had also been greatly improved, which made him more hopeful about what he would face in the future.

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