Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1586: The law of counter shock!

A purple-golden light flashed across his body, and Xiao Sihai did not hesitate to demonize, and the terrifying divine power mixed with violent power instantly appeared in front of Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen's face condensed, the Divine Desolate Saint Body turned smoothly, and the same punch was thrown out, the force of the law was attached to the fist, and the momentum was not weaker than Xiao Sihai.


The moment the fists collided, the sound of booming was endless, and the violent divine power continued to wantonly.

But at this moment, Xiao Chen suddenly felt a powerful force coming from his fist, and his entire arm was numb. The next moment, Xiao Chen was shocked and flew out.

Xiao Sihai didn't hesitate. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he deceived his body. The purple and golden light flickered, and he hit Xiao Chen with one punch after another. In just a few breaths, Xiao Chen had already suffered hundreds of blows.

"It's over. A **** king dared to fight Xiao Sihai, the sixth-layer **** king, and he couldn't help himself."

"Oh, I thought it would be an upset, but I didn't expect to hold on to every move."

"Big brother, don't lose!"

In mid-air, Shen Yu looked at An Yanran and said with a faint smile: "It seems that your 10 million crystals are in the water. I won the gambling battle between us."

An Yanran didn't speak, but her face was a little gloomy, and then she looked at Xiao Wuqing and said, "Do you know what the power of law Xiao Sihai understands, it was a little strange just now."

"I don't know, but Xiao Sihai's law is very powerful. It is said that many high-level gods are defeated by his law." Xiao Wuqing shook his head.

"If I didn't guess wrong, what Xiao Sihai understood was the law of counter-shock." At this moment, Man Xiaoman said suddenly, with worry in his eyes.

"The law of counter shock, what is this?" The three of them all looked over.

"The law of counter-shock is also a derivative law of soil attributes. Its effect is to counter-shock the opponent's power back. Without knowing it, it is easy to be seriously injured by your own counter-shock." After refining the Barbarian Dragon inheritance, she obtained not only the cultivation base, but also the life experience of that strong man.

"Reverse the enemy's attack?"

"Yes, especially those who are strong in body refinement, after comprehending the law of counter-shock, they are even more powerful, because there is only one way to crack the power of counter-shock, and that is to use absolute strength to defeat it in one fell swoop, and it must be able Withstand the strength of the countershock." The young man said, with solemn eyes, if it were her, it would be easy to win Xiao Sihai, but it would be difficult for Xiao Chen.

After the storm-like attack ended, Xiao Chen fell to the ground with a look of embarrassment. Fortunately, his body was strong enough, otherwise his body had just been broken.

Xiao Chen stood up from the ground, his eyes a little solemn.

"What a powerful body, it's no wonder that it can defeat the demonized Wuhai." Xiao Sihai said lightly, "but that's it."

When Xiao Sihai's voice fell, his aura suddenly rose, his figure rose to a hundred meters, and his body was dazzling with purple and gold.

"Is the bloodline supernatural?" Xiao Chen raised his eyebrows, and then turned into Baizhang, and hit Xiao Sihai with the same punch.

The two hundred-foot giants slammed into each other in the shocking eyes of everyone. The powerful force came out from the collision of the two fists, and the entire formation barrier was trembling.


Xiao Chen took a few steps back in an instant, but looking at Xiao Sihai, there was nothing at all.

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