Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1578: Bodhi leaves!

"Little girl, good knowledge." A trace of pride appeared on An Yanran's face, and then with a wave of her hand, six cups of fragrant Bodhi leaves appeared in front of everyone.

"Xiao Chen, how do you want to taste this cup of Bodhi leaves?" An Yanran looked at Xiao Chen and asked with a smile.

"What is the Bodhi leaf?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Bodhi leaves are the leaves on the bodhi tree. The bodhi tree is a kind of sacred tree that existed when the **** realm was first opened. It is said that it is in harmony with the path of heaven. The bodhi tree is a treasure. Even the bodhi tree is full of laws. The power of drinking a cup of Bodhi leaf tea can not only directly increase the divine power, but also can deeply understand the power of the law."

Xiao Wuqing was talking, and his eyes were full of shock.

"Bodhi leaf, even the God of War family is only qualified to use it at some senior level. Who are you who actually owns Bodhi leaf?" Xiao Wuqing looked at An Yanran and asked in shock.

"The little girl knows a lot. Yes, these are the Bodhi leaves. As for the identity of this girl, the one next to you knows."

"She's An Yanran, a killer in the ghost prison, who came to kill me." Xiao Chen introduced.

"An Yanran? Ghost Prison? Killer, you turned out to be a disciple of the ghost prisoner, An Yanran!" Xiao Wuqing was a little confused at first, then lost his voice.

"The disciple of the ghost prison prisoner, it's no wonder that you can grab the task from the power of the gods." Xiao Chen looked at An Yanran with some surprise.

An Yanran looked at Xiao Wuqing coldly, and said indifferently: "You should be just a disciple of the War God family, how can you know the identity of this girl? Even if you are a general disciple of the War God family, it is impossible to know this girl. Who are you?"

"I just heard this name accidentally." Xiao Wuqing said calmly after recovering from the shock.

"Really? But this girl feels that your identity is definitely unusual. Forget it, no matter what your identity is, it has nothing to do with this girl." An Yanran waved her hand, not worrying about it, and then looked at Xiao Chen.

"Do you want to taste this cup of Bodhi leaves?"

"What is your purpose?" Xiao Chen glanced at Xiao Wuqing, then looked at An Yanran and asked.

"Very simple, tell this girl, how did you discover this girl?" An Yanran smiled.

"Eyes of Broken Falsehood, have you heard of it?" Xiao Chen said lightly, and then looked at Xiang Yang Yan and said: "Girl An is so kind, so let's not be polite."

When the voice fell, Xiao Chen had already picked up the bodhi leaf in his hand and drank slowly, but the other three were taken aback and were not polite, even Xiao Wuqing drank it.

As the Bodhi leaf tea entered his body, Xiao Chen only felt refreshed all over his body, and his divine power value increased by ten thousand ten thousand.

"Good thing." Xiao Chen exclaimed, and at this moment, An Yanran also reacted and said: "The Eye of Deception, it turns out that you have the Eye of Deception. No wonder you can see through this girl's hiding place."

Xiao Chen was a little funny in his heart, but his eyes were both yin and yang, not weaker than the eyes of the breaking delusion, the eyes of breaking delusion were just an excuse.

After An Yanran knew that Xiao Chen had the Deceptive Eye, she didn't hide it. Instead, she stayed with Xiao Chen and the others and didn't leave.

Xiao Chen was also happy to see this. With An Yanran by his side, the other assassins in the ghost prison shouldn't come to the door, but rather safer.

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