Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1575: Catch the killer!

"This is a place where people do business. Let's go to the high altitude to fight!" Xiao Chen said.

The woman in black gave a cold snort, and the person had disappeared.

In the void of Baichuan City, Xiao Chen, Yang Yan, all kinds of changes, faintly surrounded the black-clothed women.

"You better protect him, this girl must take his head this time." The black-clothed woman pressed a cruel word, and the whole figure disappeared instantly.

Baibian snorted coldly, and then waved his right hand, and the nearby void was instantly filled with a strange fragrance, but the next moment, Baibian's face was full of amazement, "How could this be?"

"How, have you found her hiding place?" Yang Yan stood beside Xiao Chen and looked around vigilantly.

"I found it, but it was not just one person, but several people." Variety said with some embarrassment.

"Several people? What is going on?"

"I practice the law of incense and incense. As long as I am surrounded by the power of my law, different scents will be emitted. No matter how she hides it, I can perceive it, but I perceive several scents. It's the smell of that killer." Variety said.

"Does the doppelganger art? You point me to the position, I will destroy all her clones, I don't believe she won't come out!" Yang Yan said coldly.

"Okay." Baibian nodded, and then the two gathered around Xiao Chen, constantly attacking the surroundings.

"The eye of yin and yang." Xiao Chen moved the spirit, and the spirit suddenly opened his eyes and scanned the surroundings. Then Xiao Chen was taken aback, just one meter beside him, the man in black was standing pretty, lightly in his hands, every time At one point, there will be a clone identical to her.

The man in black turned around, looked at Xiao Chen, and then took off his veil, revealing a childish face of a cute girl. At this time, the cute face was full of disdain.

What made him even more ridiculous was that the woman in black even made faces at him, a childlike temper.

If the woman in black knew that Xiao Chen had discovered her, she would not know how she would feel.

Yang Yan and Variety kept making moves, surrounded by the law of flames, but no matter how many clones they killed, they still couldn't find a woman. Even them, I am afraid that the woman is by their side.

"What a clever way of hiding, it's just a pity that a child's character, I am afraid it was a high-level junior in the ghost prison, who came out to experience it." Xiao Chen was a little funny in his heart. If the woman attacked now, the three of them would definitely not feel good. However, the woman started playing.

"It's been a long time, you can't find this girl, this girl is tired of playing, you are careful, this girl is doing it." The woman's voice came from everywhere, and Variety and Yang Yan suddenly became tense and died. Deadly guarding Xiao Chen's side.

Seeing this scene, the woman's face again showed a disdainful smile, but the next moment, Variety and Yang Yan shot at the same time, one left and one right instantly buckled the woman's shoulder, the fire of the golden crow instantly penetrated into her dantian, sealing Lived her supernatural power.

After the woman showed her figure, her face was full of amazement, obviously she hadn't understood why she would catch it.

In fact, it was very simple. Xiao Chen had already told the location of the two women by voice transmission. What he had done before was just to paralyze the women.

"How could you find me?" The woman still has disbelief on her face.

Yang Yan snorted coldly, and at the same time admired Xiao Chen even more in his heart. As a strong **** emperor, he couldn't find a woman, but Xiao Chen could easily find his whereabouts, not only him, but also the ever changing.

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