Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1573: Variety of reasons!

When Huayu and the others saw a few flower demon women, they burst into tears of joy, and Huaxiang and them hurriedly expressed gratitude.

Xiao Chen declined their gratitude, and then let them relive the past, while Xiao Chen kept Baibian and asked for some information about the Saintess Sect. When Xiao Chen asked why Baibian was auctioned.

"The master said that the saintess will be born. I discussed with a few senior sisters. In order to prevent the sisters from encountering danger after the birth of the saintess, they secretly ran out in order to find various resources in case Need."

"Senior Sister said that people who want to do something like that to us must not be good people, so if they buy me back, if they don't do me well, I will kill them and rob them of all their resources."

Xiao Chen looked at Variety with a stunned expression. Variety said it was easy, but Xiao Chen had a feeling of fishing law enforcement. Greed was the original sin, but he didn't know what to do. He could only change her things slowly. Bad idea.

"You will stay with me in the future, don't engage in these crooked ways, understand?"


"Okay, go down." Xiao Chen waved his hand.

"Yes!" After Variety retreated, Yang Yan immediately walked up, and then told him about the ghost **** killer.

"I know, I'll be more careful. By the way, you go and call Xiaoman over."

"Yes." After Yang Yan stepped back, Man Xiaoman walked in shortly afterwards, and then Xiao Chen told about Xiao Wuhai's affairs. Now Xiao Wuhai has left Baichuanzhou and Tianhuozhou is safer. .

"Thank you Sect Master!" Man Xiaoman gratefully said, as her voice fell, the system also sounded a reminder of task completion.

Then Xiao Chen took out the beast bones from the auction and the blood of the wild dragon from the completion of the mission, and said to the young man: "If I didn't guess wrong, you should have the blood of the wild dragon in your body. "

"The Sect Master is right. Our Barbarian family is indeed the descendant of the ancient Barbarian Dragon, but the blood is extremely thin." Man Xiaoman did not hide it, nodded.

"This bottle has the blood of the wild dragon, and this beast bone has the inheritance of the wild dragon, you go to refine, I will arrange Yang Yan to protect the law for you."

"Inheritance of the wild dragon!" Man Xiaoman said in surprise. She was naturally very clear about the inheritance of the wild dragon, but she didn't expect Xiao Chen to obtain the animal bones that carry the inheritance of the wild dragon. She didn't ask much about how Xiao Chen obtained it.

"Thank you Sect Master!" Man Xiaoman took over the inheritance and retired.

After a while, Huayu walked in with a few flower monsters, Huayu said: "Brother, I want to take them to the Heavenly Star Immortal Domain."

"Have you decided?"


"Okay." Xiao Chen nodded. In the next moment, several people have already appeared in the Celestial Immortal Territory. For example, today, the Star Immortal Territory is getting stronger and stronger with the green scales, and there are many unowned lands. They want to create a place It's easy.

"Master, the disciple will also take them to the Heavenly Star Immortal Territory, and the disciple has the obligation to carry forward the power of the illusion." After Huayu disappeared, Xiuhua walked in with the cat girl.

"Yes." Xiao Chen nodded, and led them into the Heavenly Star Immortal Territory.

"It's weird, where did you get them, why can't this girl perceive them?"

A sound suddenly sounded in the room, and then a figure appeared in the room, it was the killer of the ghost prison.

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