Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1569: Demonize!

"The reaction is quick and there are many methods. It is no wonder that I am so confident, but with your methods, I can't help me at all." Xiao Wuhai said lightly, as his voice fell, the purple thunder suddenly disappeared, and What appeared again was the purple and golden light, slowly entwining Xiao Wuhai's body, and Xiao Chen felt a strange and terrifying breath from his body.

Xiao Wuhai twisted his neck, looked at Xiao Chen with a sneer, and then said, "Have you seen it?"

"No." Xiao Chen said, he had never seen such a purple and golden light.

"Want to know what this is? I can tell you compassionately." Xiao Wuhai jokingly laughed.

"I don't want to, I just need to defeat you." Xiao Chen ignored it at all, slashed directly out of the sky with a sword, and slashed towards Xiao Wuhai with unmatched sword energy.

A disdainful sneer appeared on Xiao Wuhai's face, and he faintly stretched out a finger to block it in front of him. In the shock of everyone's eyes, the sword qi slashed on the fingers, making the sound of metal collision.

Xiao Wuhai blew on his fingers, and then looked at Xiao Chen jokingly, "A good attack. It left a sword mark on my finger. Not bad, not bad."

Xiao Chen frowned slightly, "It's such a strong defense, isn't that purple-golden light is some kind of body refining technique?"

As if he had guessed what Xiao Chen was thinking, Xiao Wuhai said, "This is not the technique of refining the body, but the demonization, because I still have half the blood of the demons flowing through my body!"

"Devil!" Hearing Xiao Wuhai's words, everyone was shocked. The devil was a well-known race in the God Realm. The demon was known for its ferocity and cunning. Demonization was the innate supernatural power of the demon. All-round improvement, regardless of speed, strength, or defense, is greatly improved.

The demonization of the Demon Race is not weaker than the bloodline and supernatural powers of the God of War. The Demon Race's flesh body is inherently stronger, and with the addition of Demonization, few people can be at the same level.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Wuhai not only possesses the God of War supernatural powers, but can also be demonized. This is not as simple as one plus one.

"Demonization, that's the case." Demonization is different from Xiao Chen's impression. Xiao Wuhai's purple and gold skin is gleaming, completely different from the darkness in the impression.

"Fighting the flesh, Xiao Chen has never been afraid of anyone!" Xiao Chen looked at Xiao Wuhai, with a chuckle at the corner of his mouth.

"Shenhuang Saint Body!" The voice fell, and Xiao Chen had a desolate and lonely aura. Then he took Ling Tian and rushed towards Xiao Wuhai with his bare hands.

Contempt flashed in Xiao Wuhai's eyes and then collided with Xiao Chen with his bare hands.

Bang bang bang!

There was a violent collision sound in the field, without any skill, without any power of law, only pure force colliding, in the fists of the two, there was constant power to vent, which shocked everyone.

Within a few breaths, the two had collided more than a hundred times. The old man behind Xiao Wuhai was full of terror. He knew about Xiao Wuhai's strength, but he knew the terror of demonization, but that The kid could actually face Xiao Wuhai head-on, how could he not be surprised.


After the two of them did not know how many strokes they collided, both figures flew out, and both figures stopped after smashing hundreds of buildings in succession.

The next moment, two figures on both sides appeared in front of everyone again. At this time, both of them were in a panic. The aura on their bodies was very weak. Xiao Wuhai's purple gold had dropped several pieces.

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