Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1556: Barbaric Dragon Heritage!

The hunchback **** emperor's voice fell, and he walked to the side and sat down. At this time, a woman dressed up in an enchanting manner came up. It was the auctioneer of this auction.

The woman is obviously proficient in auctions. The first auction item is a pill, a small broken barrier pill, which can break through a small realm when taken by the **** king and strong.

The small barrier-breaking pill possesses a fatal temptation for the strong **** king. After all, taking one can save decades or even hundreds of years of hard work.

As a result, many kings of the gods competed, and with the temptation of women, a small barrier-breaking pill that was originally worth only one hundred thousand low-grade crystals was sold for 300,000 low-grade crystals.

The second auction item was a good artifact. It was used by the king and the strong, and it still attracted a lot of competition from the strong.

Xiao Chen had already learned from Xiao Wuqing that the first round was for training resources, and the second round was blind auction, which meant that even the auction house could not identify the role of the auctioned items, and the third round would be slaves.

So Xiao Chen was not in a hurry, just continued to watch.

For a whole day, the second round only started, and the auctions were all things that looked very good, but did not know what they were doing.

But at this time, the woman had a beast bone in her hand, and the beast bone sent terrifying coercion. Although the coercion was strong, few people were interested.

Generally speaking, animal bones can only be used for refining tools and medicines, but the animal bones in front of them are full of holes. If it were not for the coercion on the animal bones, I am afraid that everyone would just find a piece of broken bones. bone.

"Ding! Found the wild dragon spirit!"

"Wild Dragon Spirit?"

"The animal bones contain the essence of the wild dragon. The essence of the wild dragon is formed by the concentration of the spirit of the strong dragon after the death. It is the heritage of the wild dragon family. After the strong dragon blood is refined, it can Obtained all the cultivation bases of the strong dragons during his lifetime."

The system explained.

"Inheritance of the wild dragon, you can have all the cultivation bases of the strong in the wild dragon. If I remember correctly, the man has the blood of the wild dragon. If she obtains the inheritance of the wild dragon, I don't know how much strength will be improved. ."

The corner of Xiao Chen's mouth was slightly raised. He did not expect that the wild dragon clan would actually possess the inheritance on the bones of the wild dragon. If it were not for the system, he would not have found it.

Xiao Chen didn't hesitate, and directly spent 30,000 lower-grade Shenjing and photographed it.

After the second round of shooting, there was always silence, with only a few auction sounds, but there was no one who left. They knew that the next thing was the highlight.

The second round passed in a quiet atmosphere, and the third round followed. The female auctioneer retired, came down, and then walked up to a middle-aged auctioneer.

"You have been waiting for a long time. The third round is about to start. I must be looking forward to it. Please rest assured that you will not be disappointed today."

The middle-aged auctioneer laughed. When his words fell, several people walked up with a chain. There was a special circle on the chain. At the end of the chain, there were three women tied up. The three women were not. Humans, but the tail and limbs of the cat, are wild.

"Everyone, you must already know their identities, yes, they are the women of the famous cat family in the gods."

"The women of the cat family are best at serving their masters. If they are tamed well, it is definitely a treat!"

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