Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1548: The draw ended!

But as time passed, Shi Jingtian's gloomy eyes became more solemn, because he found that after such a long battle, even though he was a little exhausted, Xiao Chen, on the contrary, attacked more and more fiercely.

"Who the **** is this kid? The law of flame can block the law of my sword, and the defense is so strong. Now even the divine power in his body is so strong. If this kid breaks through the **** king, he will definitely not be worse than those enchanting evildoers. Even stronger."

"No, you will lose if you go on like this!" Shi Jingtian's eyes flashed resolutely, and then he held the scimitar tightly with both hands.

"Shi breaks the sky and shocks the sky!" Shi Jingtian yelled. The next moment, Shi Jingtian's body trembled suddenly, not only his body, the scimitar, even the surrounding starry sky was also shaking, the unmatched law of the sword, all Condensed on the scimitar.

In the next moment, a blade of only a few tens of centimeters shattered everything at a very fast speed, and slashed towards Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen's complexion changed drastically. Not only was the blade light fast, but the surroundings were blocked by the law of the sword. Xiao Chen had no time to dodge. In desperation, there was no double armor, and the Divine Desolate Body was exerted to its extreme, and Ling Tian also acted as a shield. Stood in front of him.

The next moment, a loud noise came, and Xiao Chen's body was directly lifted out.

"What is that, it actually blocked my Shocking Slash!" Shi Jingtian's eyes were full of shock. Shocking Slash is his strongest attack. Even the Seventh or Eighth God King can kill, but he sees it very much. It was clear that although Xiao Chen was shaken out, he did not cause fatal injuries.

Sure enough, the next moment, Xiao Chen's figure had already returned, his hands trembled slightly, blood appeared at the corner of his mouth, but Xiao Chen's breath was not weak.

"It's the law of the sword, it's really domineering." Xiao Chen wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and looked at Shi Jingtian, his eyes full of fighting spirit.

"Xiao Chen, I remember you. It was my strongest blow just now. It is not possible to take you down now, but it is impossible for you to defeat me," Shi Jingtian said coldly.

"Today is a tie. The three flower monsters will be handed over to you, but you must remember that the flower monsters are highly sought-after goods. You'd better not let others find out, otherwise countless forces will grab them."

After the words fell, Shi Jingtian turned and left, and then the Shenzhou thief disappeared into the starry sky.

"We will meet again." Xiao Chen looked at Shi Jingtian's back, and did not stop him, then returned to the Sonny.

"Thank you for your help." Seeing Xiao Chen returning, the Huaxiang trio hurriedly greeted them and said gratefully. At the same time, there was a deep shock in their eyes.

You must know that Shi Jingtian is a famous starry predator pirate group in Baichuanzhou, and Shi Jingtian is the fifth layer of the **** king. Facing a strong god, he would choose to give in.

"You are the clansmen of my junior sister, you are welcome." Xiao Chen said.

And just at this moment, Hua Yu came over and knelt in front of Xiao Chen, begging: "Brother, I have something to ask you for help."

"Junior sister, what are you doing, get up and talk." Xiao Chen hurriedly helped Huayu up.

"Brother, I want to ask you to help me save my sisters." Hua said.

"You talk about the specific situation first!" Xiao Chen said.

"Okay." Huayu organized the language and said it again in the future.

In the God Realm, there is a continent called Baihuazhou. Almost all on the continent are flower monsters. They originally lived a life inconsistent with the world, but then someone discovered Baihuazhou. After learning about the help of the flower monster family in cultivation , Baihuazhou instantly fell into chaos.

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