Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1539: Mu Yun shot!

High in the sky, the flames and the blood-red red glow were constantly clashing. With Xiao Chen's divine consciousness far beyond the **** king, he couldn't see anything at all. He could only feel that a terrifying force was constantly raging.

The survivors of the entire Tianhuo Continent were staring at the battle above them intently. Although they couldn't see anything at all, they knew that if they were defeated in this battle, only death awaited them.

Boom boom boom!

At this moment, a loud noise came from the sky, and the entire Skyfire Continent was shaking.

Suddenly the flame in the sky disappeared, and a figure fell from the sky. Xiao Chen took a closer look and found that it was Yang Yan. At this time, there were many blood holes all over Yang Yan's body, and blood was constantly flowing out of him. The fire of the Golden Crow is constantly repairing the injuries in his body.

"Yang Yan, how are you?" Xiao Chen took Yang Yan with a wing flash, then returned to the formation and hurriedly asked.

"Sorry son, the bloodthirsty bee is stronger than we know, and this is a group of lunatics. In order to hit me hard, just eight **** emperor realm and dozens of **** emperor realm powerhouses blew themselves up. I can survive. Very lucky."

Yang Yan said weakly, his face full of shock and fear.

"I'll go!" Xiao Chen directly exploded when he heard Yang Yan's words. These bloodthirsty mad bees were really willing. Eight **** emperors and dozens of **** emperor experts exploded.

And at this moment, a powerful pressure suddenly came from the sky above Ling Tianzong, and the huge body of the bloodthirsty bee fell down, and then turned into three blood-robed figures. The one headed was a young man full of monsters, with blood in his eyes. Red, his face is full of indifferent killing intent.

"The **** Golden Crow clan killed so many erlangs in our clan. Today, the emperor will use the flesh and blood of all living creatures to pay for our erlangs."

The extremely indifferent voice of the demon young youth came from high in the sky. Hearing this voice, everyone trembled in their hearts.

"The poisonous thorn breaks the air!" The demon young man said indifferently, and then the three of them shot at the same time. Outside the Ling Tianzong formation, countless poisonous thorns suddenly appeared, with terrifying power, shooting against the formation.

"The anger of Tian Xing'er, guard!" Seeing this, Xiao Chen hurriedly urged the formation. The phantom of Tian Xing'er appeared again, his hands opened, and a huge barrier protected the entire Tian Xing Sect.

Ding Ding Ding!

Countless stingers hit the barrier, making the sound of raindrops falling on the glass.

After a round, many cracks appeared on the barrier, and Xiao Chen's heart sank completely.

Countless people are desperate.

The face of the demon young man is full of indifference, and the next round of poisonous thorns are all ready, as long as they fall, the formation will be broken, and the entire Ling Tianzong people will become bloodthirsty bees.

"Oh!" At this moment, Xiao Chen sighed softly in his ears, and then the leaves of all the trees in Ling Tianzong were shaking. The next moment, these leaves had all moved, blocking the top of Ling Tianzong, and formed in mid-air. Up a cloud word.

"Master, are you...?" Xiao Chen was taken aback, and the sound of the sigh just now was Mu Yun.

Mu Yun did not speak, but the demon youth outside the formation suddenly stopped, looking at the cloud character made of leaves, two lines of clear tears suddenly appeared in his eyes, "Is that you? Are you still alive?"

Xiao Chen looked at the demon young man in surprise. The bloodthirsty bee was known for being domineering and cruel, and what he saw, he was in tears when he saw the demon young man.

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