Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1534: Xiao Chen's thoughts!

After seeing Xiao Chen coming out, Yang Yan and Man Xiaoman greeted him immediately.

"Girl Xiaoman, Yang Yan, I have a very serious matter to tell you." Xiao Chen said straightforwardly.

"What's the matter?" Very Xiaoman was taken aback.

"You should feel the changes in the Huoyuan Mountain Range, and what I'm talking about is related to this matter." Xiao Chen said, and then talked to the two about what happened to Wu Jiuyang.

After listening, their faces were full of seriousness.

"What you said is true?"

"Do I have to make up such a big lie?" Xiao Chen asked rhetorically.

"If this is the case, Tianhuozhou is in danger. There is only one way to eradicate them before they recover." Man Xiaoman solemnly said, with murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

"But with our strength, even if they haven't recovered, we may not be their opponents." Yang Yan solemnly said, the dead camel is bigger than the horse, even if the power of the gods is recovering, they can't deal with it.

Hearing Yang Yan's words, Man Xiaoman fell into silence. At this moment, Xiao Chen said, "Actually, I have an idea."

"What do you think?" Man Xiaoman looked over.

"There is a formation in Ling Tianzong. This formation is based on the power of faith. If all the forces in the entire Tianhuo Continent join the Ling Tianzong, I can guarantee that this formation of Ling Tianzong can stop the attack below the peak of the gods!" Xiao Chen Dao.

"It turned out to be the power of faith!" Man Xiaoman was shocked. Many people know the power of faith, but few people can use it.

"Yes, it is the power of faith. Senior Man Qing should have seen the power of formation in Ling Tianzong that day!" Xiao Chen looked at Man Qing behind Man Xiaoman.

"Yang Dingtian was captured by that formation." Man Qing nodded and said.

"But even so, how many forces in Tianhuozhou are willing to believe in this matter, and how many people are willing to join Ling Tianzong!" The little man said, this is the crux of the matter, as if someone suddenly told you the end of the world. Here, do you believe it or not?

"Do everything to do everything, as long as the little girl is willing to support me."

Man Xiaoman was lost in thought. After a while, he raised his head, his eyes flashed with determination, and looked at Xiao Chen and said, "I believe you once!"

"Thank you Miss Man, please arrange this matter as soon as possible." Xiao Chen arched his hands.

"Okay." Man Xiaoman said, and then left with Man Qing and the strong man in the family. Yang Yan also told Yang Dingtian about the matter. Yang Dingtian then went to arrange matters in the clan, and Yang Yan followed Xiao Chen. Returned to Ling Tianzong.

"Yang Yan, can I trust you?" In the hall, Xiao Chen looked at Yang Yan and asked very seriously.

Yang Yan was taken aback for a moment, and then directly knelt on one knee, respectfully said: "I am willing to swear by my soul to follow Young Master Xiao Chen forever. If I violate this oath, I will be devoured by the fire of the Golden Crow and die without the whole body.

Looking at Yang Yan who was kneeling on one knee, Xiao Chen nodded in satisfaction, and then said: "I will take you to a place, don't resist."

"Yes, son."

At the next moment, Xiao Chen appeared directly in the Heavenly Star Immortal Territory with Yang Yan. Xiao Chen didn't explain much, but just took out the Shenyuan Pill.

"This is the **** source pill left behind by the Jin Crow family of the gods and emperors. You refined it, and this drop of Golden Crow soul blood is also helpful to you. You refine it together.

With that said, Xiao Chen also took out the soul blood left by Wu Jiuyang.

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