Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1523: Fire Abyss Mountain Range!

"What a beautiful woman, Brother Xiao Chen, is this your mother? How beautiful." Murong Xiaoxiao's eyes were full of admiration.

Seeing Murong's small expression, Xiao Chen's eyes changed from surprise to disappointment. He originally thought she would know her mother, but she was shocked just because her mother was so beautiful.

"Brother Xiao Chen, you can rest assured that you will find your uncle and aunt, and Xiaoxiao will help Brother Xiao Chen." Murong Xiaoxiao hurriedly comforted after seeing disappointment in Xiao Chen's eyes.

"Thank you Xiaoxiao." Xiao Chen said.

"Brother Xiao Chen, don't think too much, I believe you can find your parents, let's go out and play."

"Okay." Xiao Chen put away his mother's portrait, and then walked out of the Sect Master Hall with Murong Xiaoxiao.


Three days later, Yang Yan returned to Ling Tianzong.

"Congratulations on becoming the Patriarch of the Yang Clan." Xiao Chen looked at Yang Yan with a smile on his face.

Yang Yan is indeed full of spring breeze. Not only has he won the position of Yang Clan Patriarch, but he has also formed a pair with Dong Shiyu, the eldest lady of the Iron Fist Villa. This can be said to be a double harvest of career and love.

"All this is the master's contribution." Even if Yang Yan became the Patriarch, he was still very respectful when facing Xiao Chen.

"You came here specially from the Yang Clan, what are the important things?"

"Master Qi, the Huoyuan Mountain Range is about to open, do you want to go to the Huoyuan Mountain to see?" Yang Yan said.

"Huoyuan Mountain Range?" Xiao Chen was taken aback. Xiao Chen of Huoyuan Mountain Range had heard Yang Yan say that the opening of Huoyuan Mountain Range was the greatest prosperity for Tianhuozhou.

According to Yang Yan, the reason why there are very few strong gods in Tianhuozhou is because they can't cultivate the power of law at Tianhuozhou, and the reason why they can break through to the gods is entirely because of the Huoyuan Mountain Range.

Because they can only comprehend the power of the law in the Huoyuan Mountain Range, and only the law of the fire attribute, and because of this, the strong people Xiao Chen encountered before used the law of fire.

"Go, of course to go." Xiao Chen said. He is currently lacking the law of flames. Since he has met Huoyuan Mountain Range, he will naturally not miss it.

Two days later, Xiao Chen took Yang Yan, and the two of them headed towards the Huoyuan Mountain Range.

After playing with Murong Xiaoxiao for three days, she received a call from her family and left. In Ling Tianzong, the disciples could understand the power of the law, so only Xiao Chen and Yang Yan went to the Huoyuan Mountain this time.

The Huoyuan Mountain Range is in the extreme north of the Tianhuo Continent. It is surrounded by flames all the year round, and even the powerful gods who understand the power of the law of flames can't wait more.

Seven days later, the Sonny appeared on the outskirts of the Huoyuan Mountain Range. From a long distance away, at a glance, the entire mountain range was filled with violent flames. No matter the stones, beasts, and plants were burning, it could be called a great wonder. .

After Xiao Chen appeared, he immediately came to the Yang Clan's station and saw Yang Dingtian, and a group of powerful men behind Yang Dingtian were all looking at their Lingtian Sect's Sect Master.

When they found that Xiao Chen only had the nine-fold cultivation base of the Heavenly God Realm, they couldn't help being a little despised, but they didn't dare to say anything.

"Brother Dingtian, is only the Yang Clan coming now?" Xiao Chen looked around for a week and found that apart from the Yang Clan, only scattered small forces appeared.

"Sect Master, in fact, the Fire Abyss Mountain Range is opened. Generally, only our Yang Clan and some small forces will come. The Moon Clan is a group of night owls, and the Shenyu Clan are some self-respecting guys. They will not come, but the barbarian family. Every time some Tianjiao will be sent here to experience." Yang Dingtian said.

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