Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1518: The king is coming!

Yang Yan was arranging with the three village owners to merge into Ling Tianzong. After Huayu saw Mu Yun, it was as if she had seen her relatives she hadn't seen in a long time.

Being bored, Xiao Chen directly entered the world of war spirits.

Three days later, Xiao Chen and his group returned to Ling Tianzong again, but this time there was one more person, it was Hua Yu, and she was now Xiao Chen's junior sister.

When Huayu came to Ling Tianzong and felt the power of Ling Tianzong, she couldn't wait to announce that Huayu Villa had been merged into Ling Tianzong.

As soon as this news came out, the entire Tianhuozhou shook once again, and then, after the other three villages announced that they had joined Ling Tianzong at the same time, they directly pushed Ling Tianzong to the peak.

In a month's time, in addition to the four major villages joining Ling Tianzong, Ling Tianzong was also expanding its territory. At this time, Ling Tianzong had become the largest power in the southern area of ​​Tianhuozhou.

However, Ling Tianzong's footsteps did not stop. Using the four great villages as a springboard, he began to aggressively attack the eastern, western and northern regions.

The forces of all sizes in the entire Tianhuo Continent were shocked.

However, some people are joking and mocking.

"This Ling Tianzong really took the leopard's guts, this is challenging the bottom line of the three clans!"

"I heard that Sect Master Ling Tian, ​​the guy named Xiao Chen, actually provokes the ancestor of the Yang clan. I think this guy is purely impatient!"

"I heard that the ancestor of the Yang clan was born some time ago, and the king's might overwhelmed the world. It is said that no one could resist the king's might within a thousand miles at that time, and they all knelt on the ground."

"Now there is a good show, wait for Ling Tianzong to be destroyed!"

In Ling Tianzong, Xiao Chen sat in the seat of the sect master, Yang Yan stood below and reported the results of the recent battle, and at the same time, he also sent a storage ring.

The resources in the storage ring were obtained from these days of battle. Xiao Chen glanced at it with his spiritual sense, and then threw it to Yang Yan.

Yang Yan also knew that Xiao Chen didn't like these things.

Just as the two were discussing the following matters, suddenly there was a coercion from above Ling Tianzong that seemed like the might of heaven, accompanied by the coercion, there was a loud shout.

"Ling Tianzong's people get out of this king!"

"This coercion is the coercion of the **** king, son, it seems that the ancestor of the Yang clan is here!" Yang Yan said with a solemn expression.

"Are you a strong God King? It just so happened that Ling Tianzong would use a strong God King to establish his power, so it would be easier to fight Tianhuo Continent."

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed, and then he took the lead out of the hall and appeared high in the sky.

Yang Yan was taken aback, and then hurriedly followed.

At this time, the other disciples in Ling Tianzong were all lying on the ground under the coercion of the **** king, and even the **** king and strong were also pressed and bent over.

After Xiao Chen appeared, his mind moved, Ling Tianzong's formation was activated, and all the disciples felt light on their bodies, and the pressure had disappeared.

"Formation?" At this moment, there was a sound of shock from high above, and then an old man wearing a golden crow robe appeared in front of everyone.

Xiao Chen and others all looked up at the old man.

"Is he the ancestor of the Yang clan?"

"He is the ancestor of the Yang clan!" Yang Yan nodded, his eyes full of complex colors.

"The ancestor of the Yang clan, Xiao Chen, the lord of the Lingtian Sect, I wonder if the ancestor is willing to come to my Ling Tianzong to be the elder of the Keqing?" Xiao Chen came outside the formation and looked towards the ancestor of the Yang clan.

The ancestor of the Yang clan was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Xiao Chen, and an interested expression flashed in his eyes: "You are Xiao Chen of Ling Tianzong, don't you know why this king is here?"

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