Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1516: Murong clan!

"The law of cold ice! It turned out to be the law of cold ice, how could he understand the law of cold ice, and it is so strong!” High in the sky, Man Qing saw this scene with a shocked look in his eyes.

"It must be the super power who helped him understand, it seems that the power behind him is really not easy!" Man Qing said firmly.

On the other hand, a strange light appeared in Murong Xiaoxiao's eyes: "The law of ice, it is the law of ice, I really didn't feel wrong, his body is flowing with the blood of the Murong clan."

"But he is clearly a member of the God of War clan. Why does he have the blood of the Murong clan? As far as I know, only Brother Xiao Ling carries these two bloodlines. What happened to him?"

"Could it be someone who violated the iron order of the two clans and joined them privately?"

"No matter what, I must find out his identity. The only person who can have two bloodlines at the same time is Brother Xiao Ling."

Thinking of this, Murong Xiaoxiao flashed a cold light different from her age.

At the same time, Xiao Chen had already walked in front of the Seventh-tier Powerful Divine Sovereign of the Yang Clan, stretched out his hand to knock, and the ice sculpture had been shattered.

Afterwards, there were a few more clicks, Yang Yu and all the strong men of the Yang clan were smashed by Xiao Chen. The strong men in the other ice sculptures did not die. However, their whole body was frozen by ice and could not move at all, they could only fear. Watching it all.

"The Heavenly God Realm has seven levels!" After Xiao Chen smashed an ice sculpture again, the system heard a reminder. Xiao Chen glanced at the surrounding ice sculptures.

"I know you can all hear what this sect said. Shaotian has the virtue of living well, and this sect does not want to do too many killings, so this sect decided to let you go."

Xiao Chen's faint voice rang, "But if you dare to act on this sect, you have to accept punishment, so let's merge your four villages into Ling Tianzong."

When the voice fell, Xiao Chen faintly said a "solution". As the voice fell, all the ice sculptures in the manor began to melt, and the strong men in the four villages fell to the ground with embarrassment.

Dong Sheng and other strong men looked at Xiao Chen with horror in their eyes, and at the same time they thought of some possibility, and their expressions changed drastically.

"You can think carefully about what I just said." At this moment, Xiao Chen's faint voice rang in their ears.

"If you don't join Ling Tianzong, this school doesn't mind using special methods."

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, the four village owners looked at each other, their eyes filled with wry smiles.

"Huayu Villa is willing to join Ling Tianzong!"

The owner of Huayu Villa, the enchanting woman, knelt on the ground first and swore to surrender.

"You are very decisive, this sect promises that joining Ling Tianzong is definitely the most correct choice you made."

Xiao Chen glanced at the owner of Huayu Villa with some surprise. Since the owner of Huayu Villa had already surrendered, it was much easier to subdue the forces of Huayu Villa.

"Huayu participates in the master!" The owner of Huayu Village also simply changed his words.

Seeing Huayu surrendering, Dong Sheng and the other two looked at each other, and the corners of their mouths became more bitter.

"I am willing to surrender!" Seeing Xiao Chen cast indifferent gazes, in desperation, the three Dong Sheng announced their surrender.

"Where is Dong Shiyu?"

"I'm going to call Shiyu here." Dong Sheng hurriedly said, and then ordered people to find Dong Shiyu. After a while, Dong Shiyu came to him and glanced at the faces of several village owners. Then he saw Xiao Chen in his eyes. Shocking flashes.

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