Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1514: Four strong people gather!

Dong Sheng smiled embarrassingly: "Haha, Sect Master Xiao is really good at making jokes, should we still invite inside first? It's not too late to discuss their matters later."

Xiao Chen glanced at Dong Sheng, with an inexplicable smile in his eyes, and then followed Dong Sheng into the manor.

When the group came to the manor compound, Dong Sheng suddenly stopped, turned his head and looked at Xiao Chen and said, "By the way, Sect Master Xiao, there are actually a few people who want to see Sect Master. I wonder if Sect Master Xiao would like to meet?"

"I don't know who wants to see me?" Xiao Chen smiled with a flash of sarcasm in his eyes.

"It's me." As Xiao Chen's voice fell, a somewhat awkward voice sounded, and then a young man walked out from the side. Not only him, but also many figures walked out around the compound, faintly surrounding Xiao Chen. In the middle.

"Hey, so many people want to see me, it seems that I'm already very famous." Xiao Chen glanced at the strong people around him, and said excitedly.

"The majesty of the son, who does not know, who does not know, please look at the son, Baijian Villa, Black Blade Villa, Huayu Villa, the three major owners have come to see you."

Yang Yan pointed to two middle-aged men and said to a enchanting woman, and then pointed to the youth, respectfully saying: "Not only that, but Yang Yu, the second heir of the Yang clan, and many elders of the Yang clan came to see you. You are."

"It's not bad, it's a big scene. If this is going to be spread, this sect will have a lot of face, and Dong Zhuangzhu has bothered." Xiao Chen's face was full of pride, and he didn't expect to say to Dong Sheng gratefully.

Dong Sheng's face was a little dull, and the strong men around him were fierce. No matter how you look at it, you don't have a good intention. How can you tell that they are here to see you.

"Brother Xiao Chen, they didn't come to see you." At this moment, Murong Xiaoxiao said crisply, while Xiaoyu looked at Xiao Chen with an idiot look.

"Xiao Xiao, they didn't come to see me, so why are they here?" Xiao Chen asked with a confused expression.

"I'm afraid they are here to kill you." Murong Xiaoxiao said.

"Kill me? You are wrong, Xiao Xiao, they are not stupid, how can they come to kill me, unless they detest themselves for a long time, they will come to kill me." Xiao Chen pretended to be surprised.

"Perhaps I was wrong, they might be so excited because they admire Xiao Chen too much." Murong Xiaoxiao blinked his big eyes and said with a smile.

Xiao Chen looked at Murong's small appearance and loved him more, stretched out his hand to pinch her face, and smiled: "You little ghost is really smart."


"You two shut up for me!" At this moment, the young man, Yang Yu, couldn't help but scolded.

"You killed my Young Master of the Yang Clan, this time I was ordered by the patriarch to take your life."

"The Young Master Yangwu of the Yang Clan died, and he didn't even have a long memory at all. He only sent you here. It seems that you were sent to die." Xiao Chen said with emotion.

"Yangyu, even Yangwu is not my opponent. What's the use of you here? Go back and tell those old immortals in the clan. After some time, I will go to the Yang clan to recover everything."

Yang Yan said coldly.

Hearing this, a trace of anger flashed in Yang Yu's eyes, and at this moment, the three elders walked out behind him, and among them, the leader took out a Golden Crow token.

"Yang Yan, the patriarch has an order to let you destroy Ling Tianzong and return to the Yang clan as the successor of the young master. You still don't take the order!"

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