Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1507: Kill Dong Hao!

"Really?" Yang Yan smiled disdainfully after hearing the words, "Since you said that I succeeded in a sneak attack, if you have the courage, you will fight with me."

"I'm afraid you won't make it." Dong Hao snorted coldly.

"Yang Yan, save his life, I'm useful!" At this moment, Xiao Chen's faint voice rang in the court.

"It's the son!" Yang Yan said, and then went straight into the air, and said to Dong Hao: "Get off!"

"Death!" Dong Hao's expression was very ugly. Xiao Chen's words and Yang Yan's attitude made him feel despised, and then he appeared in mid-air.

Yang Yan was too lazy to entangle with Dong Hao, and his whole body instantly turned into a golden crow. Dong Hao passed through the golden crow before he could react, and then fell from midair. The whole process only lasted a short time.

"Your soul has recovered?" A look of shock flashed in Yang Wu's eyes as he watched the reincarnation of Yang Yan.

"Is it unexpected?" Yang Yan said coldly. What he had just displayed was their Yang Clan's innate supernatural powers, Golden Crow Hengkong. The use of Golden Crow Hengkong not only requires a strong strength, but also a strong soul power.

"Hmph, even if your soul recovers, how much strength can you have now after so many years of delay." Yang Wu snorted coldly. His talent was originally stronger than Yang Yan, and for so many years, he has a lot of family resources. Using it, how could he look at Yang Yan.

"I'm going, Yang Yan, you are ruthless, this guy is roasting the fragrance." At this moment, Xiao Chen's faint voice sounded, and his whole body had appeared beside Dong Hao.

"How is it possible?" Dong Hao lay on the ground, and he has not yet reacted to the reality of failure.

Dong Hao's whole body was burned. Yang Yan deliberately kept his hands, otherwise Dong Hao would not be left.

"My son, he is too weak!" Yang Yan replied when he heard Xiao Chen's voice. With just these words, Dong Hao almost vomited blood.

"That's right, he was too weak, and his teeth didn't grow out, so he came out to bite people. It's really sad." Xiao Chen said, then looked at Dong Shiyu and said: "How can he say that he is also a member of your Iron Fist Villa. "

"My son, when he knelt down in front of Yangwu, he was no longer from Iron Fist Villa, but a dog of someone else." Dong Shiyu said coldly, his voice full of indifference.

"Understood." Xiao Chen nodded, and a long sword appeared in his hand, already raised high, ready to stab it at any time.

"My dog, not everyone can kill." Yangwu's cold voice came, and as soon as his voice fell, the long sword in Xiao Chen's hand had already been pierced down, and Dong Hao looked at the long sword with despair in his eyes. .

"Ding! Congratulations to the player Xiao Chen for beating the little BOSS Dong Hao and gaining 1 million supernatural power and 10 million pitfalls!"


"Ding! Congratulations to player Xiao Chen for leveling up, the current Sixth Heavenly God Realm!"

Xiao Chen looked at Yangwu slowly, and said lightly: "Are you an idiot? It's hard to say whether you can go out alive or not. You still care about your dog."

"Very well, it's the first time I have seen such an arrogant Celestial God Realm ant. Since you want to die, I will do it for you!" Seeing Dong Hao's death, Yang Wu's face was very ugly, not because of Dong Hao, but because of Xiao Chen dared to kill his dog in front of him, causing him to lose face.

Yang Wu's face was cold, and then with a big wave of his hand, all six guards had already targeted Xiao Chen.

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